Showing posts with label Montage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Montage. Show all posts

Monday, June 29, 2015

[VIDEO] Obama Goes Grey in Last Week Tonight‘s ‘End of Obamacare’ Montage

To commemorate the Supreme Court of the United States’ Obamacare decision last Thursday, Last Week Tonight put together a nearly two-minute collection of clips featuring people predicting Obamacare’s end. Titled “Five Years of People Prematurely Declaring the End of Obamacare,” the short montage does two things rather wonderfully:
  1. It sums up all of the negative reactions to the Affordable Care Act since its signing into law in 2010.
  2. It demonstrates just how much grayer President Obama‘s hair has become in the past five years.
To top it off, the president’s official address of the SCOTUS decision isn’t actually the final clip. That distinction belongs to MSNBC, whose guest is asked, “Is the fight against Obamacare from Republicans over now?” His answer? “My short answer would be no.”

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