Showing posts with label Peter Schweizer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Peter Schweizer. Show all posts

Monday, May 18, 2015

Clinton Cash Author: News Orgs Can’t Have Different Rules for ‘Superstars’

schweizerPeter Schweizer said he was “dumbfounded” by the revelation that This Week host George Stephanopoulos failed to disclose $75,000 worth of contributions to the Clinton Foundation before interviewing Schweizer about his book questioning the Foundation’s donation practices.
“I knew about the fact that he had worked for the Clintons, but honestly, I sort of believed and assumed that he had sort of put that in the past,” Schweizer said.
Stephanopoulos apologized earlier this week and recused himself from moderating 2016 debates, but Schweizer has said his financial and time commitments amounted to journalistic malfeasance.
“I thought he was simply asking tough questions” during an interview in which Stephanopoulos challenged Schweizer’s partisanship and evidence. “I don’t mind tough questions, but you wonder what’s the motivation: is it the search for truth, or is it because he’s trying to, in a sense, do something to benefit the Clinton Foundation which he obviously has some affinity for?”
Schwiezer pointed out that other newscasters had been fired for donations, including Geraldo Rivera, who claimed ABC had fired him for a $200 political contribution in the 80s. “The question is are journalists in general going to be held to the same standards at networks, or are you going to have superstars who are allowed to do things regular reporters are allowed to do?” he asked.
Schweizer said he would happily reappear for a follow-up interview, though he doubted it would happen, as it would function as an “admission of guilt” on ABC’s part.

Monday, October 21, 2013


Members of Congress must pay secret fees known as “party dues” to the Democratic and Republican parties to secure and maintain top committee chairmanships and assignments, newly uncovered internal documents reveal.

The never-before-published lists are reprinted inside the new book Extortion: How Politicians Extract Your Money, Buy Votes, and Line Their Own Pockets, written by Government Accountability Institute President and Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large Peter Schweizer.
Senior congressional staffers say the committee price lists have long been rumored to exist but that few people on Capitol Hill have seen them, giving them an almost "mythical" quality.
The book contains copies of the Democratic and Republican price lists detailing how much money lawmakers must raise to obtain and keep their seats on congressional committees. The so-called “party dues” lawmakers must contribute for committee assignments are separate and apart from the fundraising they conduct for their own campaigns. If lawmakers fail to make their tribute payment to their party, they can lose their place on a powerful committee.  
“These party dues are not voluntary,” writes Schweizer. “Members are not asked to pay—they are required to pay.”
In the 2013-2014 election cycle, the going rate for a Democratic assignment as the ranking member on a top committee like the House Ways and Means or Financial Services Committees is $500,000. Schweizer reports that Democrats also use a “members points system” that rewards its members for attending party fundraisers.

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