Showing posts with label Pope John Paul II. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pope John Paul II. Show all posts

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Ronald Reagan's Lost Legacy

Twenty-five years ago this November, Americans elected the successor to our greatest president, Ronald Reagan.  George H. Bush won an easy election in November 1988.  He proceeded to purge many of Reagan's best soldiers from the White House and notoriously pledged that he would institute "A kinder, gentler America."  There was no sensible interpretation of that odd statement except that Bush perceived Reagan's conservative policies had been, somehow, mean.
Reagan left America and humanity in much better shape than when he took office.  Although the Berlin Wall did not fall during his administration, it fell soon after he left, and this was due to the "troika" of Reagan, Thatcher, and Pope John Paul II -- aided, of course, by wise and good men like American Thinker contributor Herb Meyer.  A world war had been won without bloodshed.  Consider that again, because it is so truly stunning: A world war had been won without bloodshed
President Reagan also left us with a "Peace Dividend," because our bloodless victory in the Cold War meant that we could safely reduce defense expenditures without affecting domestic programs at all, and his adoption of "Supply Side Economics" meant that Reagan left us also with a strong economy that entailed more tax revenue and less need for social welfare programs
What made Reagan who he was?  He was a brilliant man content to be thought of as an "amiable dunce" if that meant that his policies prevailed.  Consider the contrast between Reagan and Obama.  Our current president has a craving to be considered a genius when, of course, by all appearances he has the most pedestrian intellect of any man to sit in the Oval Office.  His ego, more than anything else, drives Obama. 

Via: American Thinker

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