Showing posts with label Russians. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russians. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Our Non-Serious President - Three more years we’re stuck with this class-less act.

Fresh from terrorizing the Russians and bringing everlasting peace to a war-torn Middle East, Barack Obama undertook Monday to work on the Republicans the same tactics that worked so resoundingly on the trembling Vladimir Putin. He made a speech.
Obama makes a lot of speeches because he has a lot to say on all topics. The one he made in the Rose Garden, touting his impending triumph over the country’s economic woes, had all the right props, from impressive background to worshipful audience. The language was robust: “Republicans in Congress don’t seem to be focused on how to grow the economy and build the middle class. I say ‘at the moment’ because I’m still hoping that a light bulb goes off here.”
I cannot remember a time when one faction of one party promises economic chaos if it can’t get 100 percent of what it wants.
(A)re some of these folks really so beholden to one extreme wing of their party they’re willing to tank the entire economy just because they can’t get their way on this issue?
What they call this in the boxing ring and other such high-class venues is trash-talkin’. You try to make your opponent lose his cool, get mad, throw a premature punch. C’mon, man! You think you’re such a big man! Well, where I come from, we got a name for folks like you.
And so on.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Declining Demographics and the Destruction of an Exceptional Country

Third world banana republic dominated by failed European style multiculturalism, unassimilated ghettoes

The Russians are addressing their declining demographics by having a special holiday, take-off-work-to-have-sex day. If a baby is produced 9 months from an official holiday, the couple receives a car.

It takes 2.1 babies per family in order to replace a dying population. Most European nations are way below this statistic, thus committing self-suicide. Whether they are not having babies for economic reasons, selfishness, increase in cheap and readily available abortions, depraved lifestyles, lack of housing, lack of jobs, high unemployment encouraged by a generous welfare state, or education, the problem is that most Europeans are self-destroying through attrition, fast replaced by north Africans and Middle Easterners who do have lots of babies per family.

EU governments have tried to address the issue by opening their immigration floodgates to hordes that have refused to assimilate, not becoming good citizens, and in general a nuisance to a peaceful society by overtly trying to destroy it while the government and the police did nothing to punish the offenders or even address the multiculturalism gone berserk. Instead, they have punished locals for hate speech when citizens tried to point out the huge immigration problem.

In the United States, the replacement value gets a pass to 2.1 thanks to unchecked illegal immigration and anchor babies, otherwise Americans replace their dying population at 1.9 or less, not enough to keep the local population at current levels. The problem is the same here as in the EU, the illegals refuse to assimilate, learn the language, and become Americans. Instead, one demographic is pushing for Reconquista and another for the establishment of a world caliphate, advocating taking over the country in the near future.

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