Showing posts with label SEIU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SEIU. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ACORN by any Other Name is Still ACORN

This past week District Judge Donald Mosley of Nevada gave ACORN the defunct community organization, the maximum fine for a voter registration scheme that occurred during the 2008 presidential election.  In passing down his decision he said “It is making a mockery of our election process.  If it had been an individual in this courtroom, who is responsible for this kind of thing, I would put that person in prison for 10 years, hard time, and not think twice about it”.  He slapped the organization with the maximum $5,000 fine. 

This is not the first case of voter fraud against ACORN.  A number of individuals nationwide have also been convicted of voter registration fraud for registering dead people and making up fake names. 

The 2012 election season is upon us and it probably means that we will be seeing this type of behavior repeating itself all over the country. Recently, former ACORN state chapters have been reorganizing under different names.  No matter how you look at it they will no doubt be up to their old tricks to assist President Obama and the left wing in their re-election efforts. 

What makes this all the more dangerous is that newly created ACORN groups have teamed up with the SEIU’s economic terrorism campaign.  Both have a long history with Barrack Obama which includes his stint as an attorney for ACORN in Chicago.  

This should be extremely troubling for most knowing the past history of both of these organizations.  It has just been revealed that SEIU has a “Contract Campaign Manual” that specifically targets shareholders.  It should certainly not come as a surprise to anyone who follows unions that the plan exists.

Last month it was revealed that the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) a grant of $800,000 was given to Affordable Housing Centers of America which operated as ACORN Housing Corporation in 2009.  What is disturbing is that the Obama Administration is ignoring a ban on federal support from 2009 to ACORN and its affiliates, which was overturned by a lower court but restored by a federal appeals court.

The question we should all be asking ourselves is can we protect our elections from the hands of ACORN.  Intimidation is their main operating mandate.  We might not be able to stop them completely but if we stand up and not let them hijack the next election it will make a difference.  The election cannot be compromised in any way. We have to make sure that the likes of ACORN and SEUI are not allowed to operate as they have in the past.

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