Showing posts with label Sandy Hook. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandy Hook. Show all posts

Saturday, August 22, 2015


AP Photo/Tom Uhlman

On August 20, the Essex News Daily ran a story in which Mark Kelly and Gabby Giffords claimed they “actually do not support ‘gun control’ in the traditional sense of the phrase,” but “gun responsibility.”

This comes after they have spent nearly three years supporting new gun trafficking laws, new laws on gun show sales, new laws on internet sales, limits on ammunition magazine capacity, expanded background checks, and gun control ubiquitously under the guise of domestic violence prevention.
Yet they say they are not for gun control.
They supported expanded background checks when Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) pushed them in 2013, in Washington state during the 2014 midterm elections, and, more recently, they sided with Sandy Hook Promise on SB 941 in Oregon.
Although SB 941 makes background checks universal and sets the stage for the state to confiscate privately-owned guns more easily, Kelly and Giffords say they are not for gun control.
On March 4 Giffords stood with Representative 
Rep. Mike Thompson (D-CA)
 (D-CA-5th) to demand that every would-be gun owner pass the same background check her attacker passed, yet she and her husband claim they are not for gun control “in the traditional sense.”

According to the Essex News Daily, Kelly said, “Nobody likes to be controlled.” He went on to say that the gun control group he and Giffords launched simply supports “basic principles” to keep communities safer.
Follow AWR Hawkins on Twitter: @AWRHawkins. Reach him directly at
Via: Breitbart
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Thursday, December 5, 2013


Nicole Hockley, whose child was tragically murdered at Sandy Hook last year, said that background checks would not have prevented shooter Adam Lanza from getting the guns he used to carry out the atrocities. She also stated that the 911 tapes from that day should not be released. 

Appearing on MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell Reports on Tuesday, Hockley and Mitchell both conceded tha background checks would not have prevented Lanza's mother from purchasing the guns Lanza eventually used at Sandy Hook. Hockley said Lanza's mother should have been more responsible with her guns and noted that Lanza's mental illness made the situation a "perfect storm" for the tragedy. 
Hockley, who lobbied for more gun control legislation after the Sandy Hook tragedy, said it was "disappointing" that Congress could not pass gun control legislation that called for more background checks and said gun control advocates are now committed "to make further changes happen" by "changing the hearts and minds" of those in their communities. She said legislation is not the only answer to making "further changes" happen regarding gun control. 
She also said the ban on plastic guns, which will expire on December 9, should stay in place. She also hoped the Sandy Hook families would protect their children from hearing the 911 tapes that will be released on Wednesday.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Obama Promises Mayors Unilateral Action On Guns

7_1_2013_guns-4078201Excerpted from Washington Times – Stymied by Congress in his gun control efforts, President Obama told a group of big-city mayors Tuesday that he would take more executive actions to reduce gun violence.
The closed-door meeting at the White House included Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr., who discussed “strategies to reduce youth violence,” the White House said in a statement.
Mr. Obama “vowed to continue doing everything in his power to combat gun violence through executive action and to press Congress to pass common-sense reforms like expanding the background check system and cracking down on gun trafficking,” the White House said in a statement.
The administration failed in an effort this spring to get the Senate to approve expanded background checks on gun purchases, a legislative response to the Sandy Hook school massacre last December in Connecticut.
Among those attending the session were Mayor Cory Booker of Newark, N.J., a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate; Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter; Washington, D.C., Mayor Vincent Gray; New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu; Mayor Jean Quan of Oakland, Calif.; Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Mayor Sly James of Kansas City, Mo.; Mayor Molly Ward of Hampton, Va., and Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed.
One local official notably not on the list was Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, the president’s former chief of staff, whose city has been especially plagued by gun violence involving youths.
The White House said Mr. Obama told the group that government isn’t the only answer to lowering gun violence.

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