Showing posts with label Sanjay Gupta. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sanjay Gupta. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2013

[VIDEO] Brent Bozell Cracks Up Hannity: CNN, MSNBC Obamacare Spin 'Would Make Baghdad Bob Blush'

On Thursday night’s Media Mash on the Hannity show on Fox News Channel, Sean Hannity and MRC president Brent Bozell laughed about MSNBC’s Michael Smerconish, Ed Schultz, and Chris Matthews being the Three Stooges of Obamacare for attacking anyone (including the "so-called independent media") who’s admitting there was a rollout fiasco.

When they turned to how MSNBC’s Richard Wolffe and CNN’s Sanjay Gupta (who originally planned in 2009 to join the Obama administration to sell Obamacare) both used crappy-automobile analogies to disparage policies that were being cancelled by Obama, Bozell made Hannity laugh some more: (Video and transcript below)'s RICHARD WOLFFE (MSNBC's The Last Word, October 30): This is a bit like someone saying, ‘I’m going to sell you a $500 car, and then that pesky government says this car has to be road-worthy.’

Dr. SANJAY GUPTA (CNN's Piers Morgan Live, November 12): The number one cause of bankruptcy in United States is medical bills. And a large part of that is because there are really bad plans out there. I mean, I think this is a little bit of a red herring and, if you look at the numbers, this is a relatively small percentage of the population that we're talking about, that fits into this idea that they have plans, they want to keep them because they are buying insurance already on the individual market. But we have regulations for cars that are unsafe! People say, "I want to keep my Pinto. I don't want to be forced to buy a Ferrari."

HANNITY: They just rationalize the president’s made promises when he was selling this piece of garbage!

BOZELL: This is spin that, this is the kind of spin that would make Baghdad Bob blush. (Laughter) Look – and again, they’re saying – The insulting nature of it. The insurance policy you bought for your family is a Pinto! It's a piece of crap in their mind’s eye! President Obama was doing the right thing by canceling it.

HANNITY: You said I could keep my Pinto. Let me keep my Pinto.
The segment concluded with a clip of Chris Matthews demanding a purge of the Obama-hating “right wingers” from the Republican coalition: “Not once has Boehner or McConnell ever stood up and said, 'Those people are unacceptable,' in the way that Bill Buckley in the 1950s said anti-Semitism is not allowed in the American conservative coalition. Nobody says it.”

Bozell, the nephew of Bill Buckley, quickly dismissed that bile: “For him to evoke William F. Buckley, what he is doing is saying that the Republican Party needs to throw out the beliefs of William F. Buckley.”
Bozell appears weekly on "Hannity" to bring the MRC's latest clips of outrageous spin to the Fox News audience across America.
Via: Newsbusters

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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Issa: Obama Needs to Fire Officials Over Obamacare Failure

If someone isn't fired over the Obamacare implementation debacle, then President Barack Obama is "missing the point of Management 101," says Republican Rep. Darrell Issa of California.

"The president has been poorly served in the implementation of his own signature legislation," Issa said Sunday on CBS' "Face the Nation." 

Asked specifically if he meant Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius should resign, Issa said that if she can't reorganize and assemble a team to meet Obama's agenda, "she shouldn't be there."

Sebelius said last week in an interview with CNN's Sanjay Gupta that she wasn't aware of the website's problems before it went live on Oct. 1. Issa wants to know why she didn't know.
Sebelius declined to testify last Thursday, citing a scheduling conflict, but is set to testify Wednesday before the House Energy and Commerce Committee. 

Using an iceberg analogy, Issa said his committee is looking for "quick answers" to straighten out as much of the "above the water" issues, such as the website glitches.

He also wants to address the 90 percent of the problems below the water. Those include 2,500 counties – 58 percent – that have only one or two companies bidding to provide health insurance.

It's "a question of cost and benefit" to people, Issa said.

Via: Newsmax

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Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Sebelius: I'm Not Signing Up for Obamacare

sebelius( - In an interview with CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta Tuesday night, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said she won't be enrolling in the problem-plagued health insurance system that she was charged to implement.
"I have created an account on the site. I have not tried signing up, because I have insurance," she told Gupta.
But Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) says government officials like Sebelius should be required to live under the same laws they impose on everyone else.
Paul is now plugging a constitutional amendment that states, "Congress shall make no law applicable to a citizen of the United States that is not equally applicable to Congress." The amendment also contains two provisions that apply that same principle to the Executive Branch and Judicial Branch of the federal government.
Appearing on Fox News Tuesday evening, Paul told Sean Hannity he thinks this is an amendment "that really everybody ought to be able to agree to."
"There have been a lot of times in our history -- originally, congressional members were exempt from Social Security. That's not true now because people got mad about it. But really, the law should be applied equally to everyone," Paul said. "I think that's a basic precept of the law. So I really think maybe we'll get some bipartisanship on this and maybe we'll get it passed."
Via: CNS News

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