Showing posts with label Tim Donnelly. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tim Donnelly. Show all posts

Friday, July 3, 2015


Former Assemblyman Tim Donnelly has launched a referendum against vaccine law SB277, pledging to work with every individual or group to collect the signatures needed to put the vaccine referendum on the 2016 ballot and let voters decide this issue.

“This is we, the people, exercising the people’s veto,” Donnelly told Breitbart News.
“This referendum is not about vaccinations; it is about defending the fundamental freedom of a parent to make an informed decision for their children without being unduly penalized by a government that believes it knows best.”
Many of SB277’s opponents indicated that they do vaccinate their children, but opposed the infringement on parental rights.
Hundreds of Californians from across the state fought a long battle against the bill in the legislature. On Tuesday, California Governor Jerry Brown signed SB277 into law. As of Tuesday, tens of thousands had signed petitions calling for Brown to veto three pieces of legislation related to vaccine requirements, including SB277. As of Thursday, nearly 100,000 had signed the petitions, combined.
“Do you think the government or parents should have more control about what is injected into your child’s body?” Donnelly asked. “The government is intimidating parents by denying children the right to education.”
Prior to SB277, if a parent chose to opt a child out of even one vaccination such as Hepatitis B, but still vaccinate for all other diseases as required, that parent could sign a personal belief waiver. SB277 eliminates that waiver, making California one of strictest states in the nation. Parents that still wish to opt out of even one vaccination will not be allowed to enroll that child in private or public school.
“They are stamping out a parents’ right to make their own medical decisions for their kids,” Donnelly told Breitbart News.
According to Donnelly, California already has one of the highest vaccination rates in the country. Centers for Disease Control statistics as of September 2014 show Californiavaccination rates in the young 19-35 month range within a reasonable range as compared to other states, he noted. CDC charts show California among the most vaccinated states for MMR, DTap and Hib.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

CA: Tim Donnelly Proves There Is a God

Yes, ladies and gentlemen and especially fellow members of the media, Tim Donnelly is running for governor.
He may be a polarizing figure, but I believe he has already achieved a bipartisan consensus, at least among California’s Fourth Estate. And that consensus is: there is a God, and he loves us.
Before Donnelly’s official entry in the race, we were facing a snoozer of a gubernatorial election, with Jerry Brown certain to win re-election while facing maybe a nominal challenge from Abel Maldonado. We might have had to pay professional attention to such an election (I can’t call it a “race” or a “contest” and be accurate), but no one else would.
But now Donnelly is in, and, while we’re still facing a certain Jerry Brown win with no horse race drama, it won’t be quite so snoozy, since we’ll at least have one character in the race. And given the character of this character, we’ll be able to provide the public service of showing the total gap between his incendiary, attention-seeking comments and California’s 21st century reality.
He’ll rail against immigrant hordes, and we’ll be able to point out that net immigration to California has been zero for years and that immigrants are pillars of the community. (In many parts of Southern California, they’ve been here long than the native U.S. citizens). He’ll talk about a supposed lack of guns in the state, and we’ll point out the millions that are in hands of people who have demonstrated they shouldn’t own guns, Tim Donnelly among them. He’ll attack supposedly out-of-control spending, perhaps in press conferences held in a Sacramento decimated by years of government cuts and layoffs. He’ll rail against the oppressive dictatorship of the state and we’ll keep on writing stories about same-sex marriages and marijuana farms.
All the corrections would be helpful to the body politic. And Donnelly will keep offering opportunities in an interesting way that makes news. Heck, in announcing his candidacy, he promised to bring freedom back to California, which was surprising news since I hadn’t noticed its departure.
Via: California Political Review
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