Saturday, August 3, 2013

American Democrats on a Marxist March Through Other Nations

American Democrat Party now on a worldwide roll, Marxist march through our institutions has changed to the Marxist march through our nations

America’s Marxist-loving Democrats are on a roll.  The Dem roll, which has effectively frightened almost the entire Republican Party into quivering RINO jello, is spreading its tentacles all the way across the pond to Britain.

AP reports that Britain’s governing Conservatives have hired Jim Messina, President Barack Obama’s former campaign manager, to advise them ahead of the 2015 generalelection.

Heads up, Nigel Farage.

Messina was Obama’s national chief of staff for the 2008 presidential campaign and the president’s campaign manager in 2012.  His organizational flair and social media strategy have been credited for helping secure Obama’s re-election.

Messina is now chairman of a nonprofit called Organizing for Action and head of consulting firm The Messina Group.  And you can bet the farm that his Organizing for Action wasn’t held back from charitable status by the IRS.

“Messina said Friday that he had “long admired Prime Minister (David) Cameron” and would be offering the Conservatives “strategic campaign advice”.  He said he would remain based in the United Sates and would not manage day-to-day political operations. (Washington Post, August 2, 2013)
Britain is currently governed by wobbly Conservatives in coalition with the Liberal Democrats,  but with Obama campaign team help, Conservatives seek to win a parliamentary majority in 2015.
While the British economy still staggers from a 2008 global financial crisis clinging recession, ‘Conservative’  Prime Minister David Cameron has recently vowed to “export” Same Sex Marriage around the world


Politico reported that the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) will issue a ruling next week that will allow the federal government to subsidize the insurance plans Congressmen and their aides will be forced to buy on government healthcare exchanges due to Obamacare. 

The news came just hours after the Heritage Foundation released an embargoed study to reporters that found there was no legal way for the administration to offer subsidies for Members of Congress and their aides without passing a legislative "fix."
The Obama administration may have tried to preempt the release of that study; one of the study's co-authors insisted to Breitbart News on Friday that no matter how creative the Obama administration gets, there does not seem to be a legal manner in which the federal government can grant the Obamacare subsidies. 
Ed Haislmaier and Robert E. Moffitt, both of whom are Senior Research Fellows in the Center for Health Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation, and Joseph A. Morris, an attorney in private practice who served as General Counsel of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management from 1981 to 1985, co-authored the study, titled, "Congress in the Obamacare Trap: No Easy Escape."
Haislmaier emphasized to Breitbart News that "we don't see a legal avenue, no matter how creative, for them."
"We don't know what they will come out with, or how they will try to to justify it," he told Breitbart News. "If they do produce, then we will have a regulation to dissect."
As the Heritage Foundation's Rob Bluey wrote on "The Foundry," it is indeed curious that "word of the Obama Administration 'solving' Congress’ problem was suddenly leaked to a couple reporters at 9 p.m. — just hours before the release of Heritage’s report (embargoed copies of which had been given to the media)."
The Administration’s strategy appears to be one of deliberately flouting the law, in the belief that it can get away with it because Congress will be the beneficiary and the American public won’t catch on to what they are doing. If the Administration really thinks it has a legal way under Obamacare for the federal government to continuing paying for the health care of members of Congress and their staff, why didn’t they issue the regulations at any point over the last three years?
As the Heritage study noted, just ten days after Obamacare passed, the Congressional Research Service issued a memo detailing the problems with the provision.

Obama begins birthday weekend with round of golf

Obamagold_080313.jpgPresident Barack Obama kicked off his birthday weekend Saturday with a round of golf with friends and a getaway to Camp David.

Obama, who turns 52 on Sunday, left the White House just after 8 a.m. EDT -- that's unusually early for the half-hour motorcade ride to Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland -- to squeeze in some golf before the celebration shifted to the presidential retreat nestled in Maryland's Catoctin Mountains.

Before leaving, officials said Obama's counterterrorism adviser updated him on a potential al-Qaida threat that led the State Department on Friday to issue a global travel warning to Americans and order the weekend closure of 21 embassies and consulates across the Muslim world.

The White House said the president's three golfing foursomes included some of his friends from Hawaii, where he grew up, and Chicago, where he lived before becoming president, along with current and former aides.

Among them were childhood friends Bobby Titcomb and Mike Ramos, and Chicago pals Marty Nesbitt and Eric Whitaker. White House aides Marvin Nicholson and Sam Kass, an assistant chef, rounded out the group, along with Reggie Love, who for years had been Obama's personal assistant, or "body man," and basketball buddy until he left the White House in late 2011 to work on getting an MBA.

Due to the limited number of seats, only the winners at golf -- Love, Kass and two other players -- got to join Obama on the presidential helicopter. The losers went the long way, by car.

First lady Michelle Obama traveled to Camp David separately.

The White House said little about how Obama would celebrate on Saturday night and Sunday, but the birthday wishes started rolling in early.

Via: Fox News

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VIDEO: Cavuto: Remember when kids were grateful for any job they could find?

Yesterday on his show, Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto dedicated his daily “common sense” segment to the good old days when kids (and adults) were grateful for any job they could find. Remember when any job was a good job? I do. I remember my first real job as a restaurant hostess. The day I got hired, I was the happiest kid in the world. I made minimum wage and even though I bussed tables, the waiters rarely split their tips with me. But guess what? I didn’t care because I had a job and worked hard anyway.
Cavuto, in only a way that he can, explained the entitlement/welfare culture surrounding the current job market and brings us back to when people worked their way through the system rather than asking for a handout.
In the end, it really is pathetic how good jobs in this economic environment have been treated as disposable.

VIDEO: Sen. Collins: Obamacare's 30-Hour Rule Will Damage Businesses

Obamacare has "perverse incentives" that allow employers to cut their employees' work hours, says Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins, who has introduced a bill to change the healthcare law's definition of full time work from 30 hours a week to 40.

Collins, in Saturday's GOP address, noted that under Obamacare, anyone working an average of 30 hours a week is considered full-time, meaning many employers may cut their hours so they won't have to provide them with insurance.

A 40-hour work week is full-time, we all know that," said Collins.


She noted in her address that her family founded a small business in Maine more than 160 years ago that continues to be run by two of her brothers.

"Our economy is built on millions of enterprises just like ours," she said. "It’s not easy to survive in today’s economy. But these employers remain our nation’s job creators. We should be doing all we can to promote policies to help them survive and thrive."

She also agreed that healthcare reform should provide people with access to quality and affordable care "while encouraging economic growth. That’s not what is happening under Obamacare."

Instead, Collins said, Obamacare discourages small businesses from creating jobs and hiring new workers, and "has perverse incentives for employers to reduce the number of hours that their employees can work." 

Most small businesses want to provide health insurance, said Collins, but can't afford to do so under Obamacare.

Via: Newsmax

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