Saturday, August 3, 2013

VIDEO: Cavuto: Remember when kids were grateful for any job they could find?

Yesterday on his show, Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto dedicated his daily “common sense” segment to the good old days when kids (and adults) were grateful for any job they could find. Remember when any job was a good job? I do. I remember my first real job as a restaurant hostess. The day I got hired, I was the happiest kid in the world. I made minimum wage and even though I bussed tables, the waiters rarely split their tips with me. But guess what? I didn’t care because I had a job and worked hard anyway.
Cavuto, in only a way that he can, explained the entitlement/welfare culture surrounding the current job market and brings us back to when people worked their way through the system rather than asking for a handout.
In the end, it really is pathetic how good jobs in this economic environment have been treated as disposable.

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