Thursday, August 1, 2013

Border Patrol Union: Drug Cartels Have 'Representatives' in 2,000 U.S. Cities

U.S. Border Patrol( – In a July 28 letter addressed to “fellow Americans,” the union of former Border Patrol agents called for Congress to deny amnesty to illegal aliens and cited “transnational criminal businesses” that have “representatives” in 2,000 American cities.
“Transnational  criminal  enterprises  have  annually  invested  millions  of  dollars  to  create  and  staff  international  drug   and  human  smuggling  networks  inside  the  United  States; thus  it  is  no  surprise  that  they  continue    to  accelerate  their   efforts  to  get  trusted  representatives  in  place  as  a  means  to  guarantee  continued  success,” the letter, distributed via email by Zach Taylor, chairman of  National  Association  of  Former  Border  Patrol  Officers, Inc., stated.
“We must never lose sight of the fact that the United States is the market place for the bulk of transnational criminal businesses engaged in human trafficking and the smuggling, distribution and sale of illegal drugs,” the letter, signed by former agents for the U.S., Canada, Southwest and U.S./Mexico border chapters, stated. “Organized crime on this scale we are speaking about cannot exist without political protection.
“Most heroin, cocaine, meth, and marijuana marketed in the United States is produced outside of our country, and then smuggled into the United States,” the letter stated. “The placement of trusted foreign employees inside the United States is imperative to insure success in continuing to supply the demand, and returning the profits to the foreign organization.
Via: CNS News

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