Monday, September 9, 2013

About that whole global warming thing. Leaked U.N. Report Confirms Global Warming Is Nonexistent, Planet Actually Cooling…

Global warming alarmists, Al Gore, we need to talk.
Well, this is awkward. A leaked report by the U.N. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that the world is not warming but actually cooling, and will continue to get colder until the middle of the century.
You remember the IPCC, right? It’s the group whose 2007 report on global warming said that snow would disappear from everywhere but the highest mountains, icebergs would melt causing sea levels to rise, deserts would spread, people would die in heat waves and pretty much the earth was going to end if we didn’t immediately destroy our carbon-fueled economy with job-killing government regulations.
Well, that’s not happening. In fact, the Arctic ice cap has grown by 60 percent since 2012.
Thanks to the IPCC’s original predictions, billions of dollars were spent on supposed green measures to curb global warming, according to the Telegraph. Now, either those measures really, really paid off, or the skeptics were right all along.

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