Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Obama Is Helping the Terrorists to Win

President who is against this nation, who supports the very enemies who attacked us, Fundamentally transformed – into something less sane, less safe, less free

Twelve years ago, on September 11, 2001, the United States of America suffered the worst single attack upon our homeland that had ever been made.  I’m sure that all of us remember that day when 19 radical Islamic fanatics murdered three thousand civilians, both Americans and guests in our country, and American military personnel while acting on the dictates of authentic Islam as it is drawn from the Qur’an and the Islamic traditions.

(And, no, let’s not delude ourselves that what motivated those terrorists was anything other than genuine, traditional, non-sanitized-for-Western-consumption Islam in its purest form.)  On that day, many Americans had their eyes opened to some stark realities about the world in which we live, while many others chose to bury their heads in the sand and blame America, blame capitalism, blame freedom for the attacks, instead of blaming the ideology of radical Islam.  In the years following the 9-11 attacks, even though we have rebuilt much of what was destroyed that day, the lingering effects of the New Division – between those on the Right who want to oppose the anti-Americanism of radical Islam and those on the Left who embrace it, as well as the radical Muslims as fellow-travelers – have not only remained, but become more pronounced. 

This became even more obvious in November of 2008, when America elected a Manchurian candidate who promised to “fundamentally transform” America.  In the years since, it has become apparent to anyone with their eyes open that Barack Hussein Obama is diametrically opposed to every ideal, every moral standard, every principle upon which the United States of America was founded and constituted.  In essence, he is fundamentally anti-American in every way.  He and those like him hate our nation – they hate the Christian basis of our laws and founding documents, they hate our freedom, they hate our prosperity.  His promise to “fundamentally transform” America was not idle – he has done and is doing it as we speak.  He is turning us into something that is not America, which is what he and the others on the Left intended all along.

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