Tuesday, September 10, 2013

[VIDEO] Dr. Ben Carson: Defund ObamaCare

ObamaCare is wreaking havoc on jobs and the economy. The House of Representatives has the power to fund or not fund it and it should not be funded, the independent Dr. Ben Carson, retired top neurosurgeon said on the Palin Update with Kevin Scholla. “It’s not a complicated legal maneuver and it would force the Senate to act.” He said America today is not America. Dr. Carson had heard from many elderly people who were reinvigorated by his Prayer Breakfast speech earlier this year. Until they heard him, they “were waiting to die.” During the speech, Dr. Carson was so focused on the task that he was not intimated by Obama’s presence at the event.

Dr. Carson said conservatism is logical and also spoke briefly about the cancer of political correctness which he said is rooted in Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.
About Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, Dr. Carson said, “I’ve always liked Sarah Palin. She’s a terrific person. She’s very smart.”

He said she is savaged because she is an iconoclast.

Dr. Carson said as long as people continue to race-bait, Martin Luther King’s dream of us being judged by the content of our characters remains unaccomplished.

Carson Scholars was founded years ago in response to the plethora of idolized athletic scholarships. His scholarships focus on academic achievement and humanitarian qualities starting as early as fourth grade.

He is working on a book to be titled “One Nation.”

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