Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Welcome to the ‘United States of al-Qaeda’

Obama's Foreign LegionBig question on Syria should not be why America is going into Syria, but who America is sending into Syria

Look out Free World: Here Comes the USA—the newly minted ‘United States of al-Qaeda’.

The ‘United States of al-Qaeda’ is the first hard evidence of President Barack Obama’s Fundamental Transformation of America, which in effect throws all U.S. citizens in with the terrorists known as al-AQaeda; a new kind of military of which no one can be proud.

It was in 2008 when running for the presidency, that Barack Obama declared he would someday soon lead a civilian army of his very own: “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we set.  We gotta’ have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” (Barack Obama, July 2, 2008).

To a majority of the American population, it may no longer be “our military” but Obama’s ‘United States of al-Qaeda’.

Back when Obama was talking about having his own army,  no one in the mainstream media took him at his word.  Whipped up during a campaign where people actually fainted at the sight of him, voters sent the man who vowed to lead his own army to the Oval office in a landslide election that was to change America forever.

Surrealism not withstanding, it somehow fits the script that the senator who ran against him for the presidency is now Obama’s biggest booster for war on Syria when he’s not playing iPhone poker during senate hearings.

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