Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Rasmussen Poll: McAuliffe 50, Cuccinelli 33

Terry McAuliffe has a 17-point lead over Ken Cuccinelli in the Virginia governor's race, according to a new poll from Rasmussen. McAuliffe, the Democrat, enjoys his largest lead yet in the race with 50 percent of the vote, while Republican Cuccinelli has 33 percent. The Libertarian candidate, Robert Sarvis, has eight percent support.
McAuliffe Cuccinelli
The Rasmussen survey of 1,000 likely Virginia voters is the latest to show a significant lead for McAuliffe and comes after the end of the federal government shutdown. The McAuliffe campaign has run ads in Northern Virginia, the populous area of the state surrounding the nation's capital and home to thousands of federal workers, linking Cuccinelli to Republicans like Ted Cruz who helped bring about the shutdown. And at an event in Northern Virginia Monday afternoon, Cuccinelli didn't answer how he would have voted on the legislative deal that ended the stalemate if he were in Congress.
"I don't know whether I would have voted for it," he said.
The Virginia state elections are in two weeks.

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