Thursday, November 14, 2013

2019: The Future of Doctors Under Obama Universal Coverage for Health (O.U.C.H.)

The year was 2019, in the third term of the Reign of Obama the Secular. Owing to an extreme left wing Supreme Court stacked with four Obama appointees, who managed to declare the United States Constitution itself unconstitutional to the extent that it limited the ability of the Great One to serve no more than two terms, Obama was well on his way to becoming the first President since Roosevelt to be elected to four terms.

A generation that voted for free stuff in 2008, 2012, and 2016 begat another generation of voters who wanted free stuff. In time, the number of voters expecting free stuff—and knowing they would get it from Uncle Sugar—reached a tipping point. They soon outnumbered those who worked, paid taxes, and created jobs. For the next decade they continued to vote for politicians who promised free stuff.  Of course, this ensured that the King of Free Stuff, Obama the Secular—who never met a government program he did not like—would be re-elected for life.

By 2019, the government had acquired Government Motors—which produced the Obamobile—a tinny scaled-down, politically correct Smart Car powered by chicken manure, which got 150 miles per gallon and rode two people and one sack of groceries comfortably. If you did not hit anything harder that a marshmallow, did not want to ride farther than ten miles, and did not need to carry anything, the Obamobile was great—and guaranteed not to crush you in an impact less than 5 miles per hour.

The government also owned the press, which had willingly volunteered to merge into a new federal agency comprised of ABC, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, named “The Department of ObaMedia,” whose mission it was to announce the whereabouts and accomplishments of the Great Leader, do Obama Infomercials and feed the people news as to any new government controls on their lives.  All banks were nationalized and combined into one mega bank—“ObamaNational.”

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