Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A Post-Obama World

Some time back I caught sight of a photo of our "Philosopher-King-in-Training" holding in his effeminate hand a copy of Fareed Zakaria's The Post-American World, and took no little satisfaction in articulating to others that the title was more wishful thinking than scholarship. It should be no surprise that this administration has been united in its vision of a multi-polar world; and as such, has utilized its considerable influence in a singular effort to reduce America's gravitas through diminishing its footprint as a superpower on the stage of evolving political events.
Obama and the Progressives would never quite deny such a charge outright, even though the articulation of this Globalist ideology is incongruent with his position as America's highest officer -- a man sworn to honor our nation's prestige and interests. Nevertheless, during the 2012 presidential campaign, Zakaria himself sang the praises of "The Man Who Would Be Destiny:"
This is a new world, very different from the America-centric one we got used to over the last generation. Obama has succeeded in preserving and even enhancing U.S. influence in this world precisely because he has recognized these new forces at work. He has traveled to the emerging nations and spoken admiringly of their rise. He replaced the old Western club and made the Group of 20 the central decision-making forum for global economic affairs. By emphasizing multilateral organizations, alliance structures and international legitimacy, he got results.... It was Chinese and Russian cooperation that produced tougher sanctions against Iran.
Via: American Thinker

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