Thursday, August 20, 2015

You will never guess what liberals think of illegal aliens!

We are told repeatedly by the liberal media that opposing citizenship for illegal aliens is electoral poison.  It's automatic racism and will alienate the electorate and is a guaranteed path to losing an election.  The liberal media wants you to believe this despite the truth of the opposite: that an overwhelming majority of the country opposes illegal immigration.  That is their big lie.

We know that conservatives by and large are against illegal immigration, but what do liberals, who are a big chunk of this country, think about illegals?  The answer might surprise you.  In a recent article about the return of the term "illegal aliens," the comments section of the Times was filled with remarks, presumably by their typical liberal readers, in support of the term:

Vancouver WA 16 minutes ago
         Don't like "illegals"?
         How about "invaders" instead?

Northern California 16 minutes ago
Nobody's claiming "illegal immigrants" aren't human -- just that they're "illegal."

Basic Human Being
Of course the term is disrespectful. It is mean to convey contempt for those contemptuous foreigners who hold our laws in contempt and imagine they can disrespectfully ignore them.
Next question?

Basic Human Being
Those people impose large costs on the rest of us. They require interpreters because they do not bother to learn English before getting here. They have large families we are told to educate in Spanish at taxpayer expense. They do not have the skills to earn much meaning they pay little if taxes. They usually lack medical insurance in the US (though Mexico has medical insurance for their citizens) and do not get it from an employer so are on the hook for them.
Are we even allowed to point this out without being accused of bigotry?

Stanford Professor AC
Missoula, MT 3 hours ago
Why does this group of Mexicans - and their white liberal side kicks - believe they are exempt from the migratory rules that every other ethic group and industrialized nation follow?

Atlanta 3 hours ago
This has to be one of the most ridiculous articles I have ever read on this website! "Oh no, don't use the term 'illegals' because it will hurt their feelings!" Seriously? These people entered the country illegally, and therefore the term is apt. This is political correctness gone nuts!

Even the most popular comments ranked by readers (which are too long to quote here) are in opposition to illegal aliens.  And in previous articles on the subject in the Times I have seen, time and time again, in the comments section the overwhelming sentiment of liberal readers against illegal aliens.

I think polls have it right, and the overwhelming majority of Americans, conservative, moderate, and liberal, are against this flood of illegal aliens.  Any candidate who takes a firm, believable line on it and doesn't back down could be our next president.

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