Showing posts with label Al Sharpton. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Al Sharpton. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Black Pastor to Al Sharpton: 'You're Nothing But a Pimp!'

At a Hartford, Connecticut rally supposedly called to protest five homicides of young people in the city over the past two weeks – four of them shootings – Rev. Al Sharpton was challenged Saturday by a black pastor for asking every preacher present to donate $100 to Sharpton’s civil rights organization, National Action Network (NAN).

“I want to be here to see a memorial for the young people that have died,” said Sharpton at Shiloh Baptist Church, according to CT News Junkie. “I want the names and their stories up so children can see they don’t want to be on that wall.”
Pastor Marcus Mosiah Jarvis of Christ the Cornerstone Praise and Western Tabernacle, however, shouted at Sharpton as he strode down the center aisle of the crowded church, “How dare you ask the people of Hartford to give you their money! You’re nothing but a pimp!”
Jarvis slammed Sharpton for using the supposed anti-violence rally as a cover for “coming into a community where people are struggling for jobs, struggling for money, and demanding money to speak.”
“Don’t you come up in here asking us for money,” Jarvis yelled, according to Fox CT.
Jarvis was about to be escorted out of the church, but he instead remained in the rear. Sharpton responded to his challenge by removing $1,000 in cash from his suit pocket.
“Everything that you all raise will go to a memorial,” he said. “[F]or the lives that could have gone on to cure cancer. Lives that could have been the next President of the United States.”
Sharpton founded NAN in 1991. As Breitbart News reported in April of last year, the IRS fined the nonprofit for not properly reporting its taxes, and it was charged with $1.9 million in back taxes and penalties. Additionally, the New York Times reported last November that Sharpton owes more than $4.5 million in state and federal taxes.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Teachers Union Determined to Purge Koch Brothers from College Campuses

The National Education Association’s mission to drive Charles and David Koch, the two wealthy philanthropist brothers from Kansas, into the sea is showing no signs of slowing down. According to its latest Labor Department filing, the nation’s biggest union gifted $150,000 (up from a mere $100,000 the year before) to the American Bridge, a leftist hit-PAC whose mission is to annihilate every politico whose politics run to the right of the late Joe Stalin. (Nothing new here: Over the years, NEA has lavished gifts on such leftist stalwarts as MALDEF, People for the American Way, Media Matters, ACORN, Al Sharpton’s National Action Network and Occupy Wall Street.)
The American Bridge’s latest gambit is to remove the Koch brothers’ influence from 250 campuses where they support educational initiatives in economics, philosophy, entrepreneurship, criminal justice and other disciplines. A recent case in point: Mississippi State will soon launch the Institute for Market Studies, which was made possible in part by a $365,000 grant from the Charles Koch Foundation. But before its launch, American Bridge filed an open-records request seeking emails between professors, and between the school’s faculty and the Koch foundation. This is nothing more than an intimidation tactic to discourage the faculty from participating in the venture.
Sadly the above is hardly an isolated incident. “UnKoch My Campus,” another group of NEA fellow travelers, is busy all over the country trying rid our schools of the dreaded brothers. From the NEA website,
Between 2005 and 2013, the billionaire Koch brothers spent at least $68 million on college and university campuses — to fund faculty, research and publications, and to spread their anti-worker gospel to generations of students.
Last week, NEA Higher Ed faculty and staff leaders sat down in a windowless room in Orlando, Fla., and pledged to shine a light on those Koch campus investments — as well as the pernicious effects of the broad ‘corporatization’ of public higher education.
This is about corporate interests trying to control higher education. The Koch brothers are just one of those interests,’ said Theresa Montano, president of NEA’s National Council for Higher Education, who called for greater transparency of where that money goes and what exactly it buys.

Friday, May 29, 2015

Inside One More Sketchy Sharpton-Family Nonprofit

Screen Shot 2015-05-29 at 9.34.03 AMAl Sharpton’s daughter Dominique has recently grabbed headlines for her $5 million lawsuit against the City of New York over a sprained ankle — but the shakedown may not stop there. New records reviewed by National Review show Sharpton’s daughter and her boyfriend, 

Marcus Bright, together run a shadowy nonprofit that shares corporate donors, board members, and office space with Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, and they won’t answer any questions about it.

In tax filings, Education for a Better America (EBA) states that its mission is “to build a bridge between policy makers and the classroom by supporting innovations in the delivery of education and disseminating information and findings that impact our schools.” The nonprofit’s publications show the group hosting or participating in education-focused assemblies, speeches, summits, and events in New York City, Miami, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Washington, D.C., among other cities.

“It’s all a scam,” says one source close to the Sharpton family. “It’s a cover for money, basically, to subsidize [Dominique] Sharpton and Bright to do what they do. . . . They put it all on their Instagram and their Facebook. Most of the time, it’s like they’re on vacation. . . . One could argue, being totally objective, that some of what [Al] Sharpton has done in terms of advocacy has helped black people and civil rights. Tell me one thing that Education for a Better America has done to help education.”

Via National Review

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Monday, May 25, 2015

Like The Night Follows The Day: Al Sharpton Going To Cleveland To Race Bait….

AL SHARPTON PRESS CONFERENCECLEVELAND -- Civil rights activist Rev. Al Sharpton is expected to appear at a local church in Cleveland next week.
According to Reverend Jawanza Colvin, he is scheduled to speak at Olivet Institutional Baptist Church.
Later this week, members of local churches plan to march to the Justice Center to call for comprehensive reform of the justice system. The march is scheduled to take place Tuesday at 11:30 a.m.
Leading up to the verdict in trial of Michael Brelo, Cleveland's faith based community called for peaceful demonstrations. One hour following the verdict in the Brelo trial, churches throughout the city opened their doors for prayer and conversation.

More than 20 members of the long running group "United Pastors in Mission" have signed on to provide safe zones across Northeast Ohio.

RELATED: Local pastors call for calm demonstrations to Brelo verdict
Majority of protests remained peaceful during the day, but in the evening, officials made arrests after protesters became violent towards citizens, Cleveland Police Chief Williams said in the news conference Sunday morning.

A total of 71 people were arrested, about 39 men, 16 women and some juveniles during demonstrations on Saturday. Williams said police recorded videos while making arrests and they will also review any video posted online to determine if those in custody face charges -- which range from felonious assault, aggravated rioting, and failure to disperse. Misdemeanors require charges filed within 24 hours, while felonies need a 36-hour deadline.

Cuyahoga County Commons Please Court Judge John O'Donnell found Brelo not guilty on the two counts of voluntary manslaughter in the deaths of Malissa Williams and Timothy Russell. In addition, he also found Brelo not guilty on both lesser counts of felonious assault, something he could also rule upon.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Al Sharpton Defends Anti-Jewish Remarks

Reverend Al Sharpton attends a news conference held to address local media reports regarding his relationship with the FBI during the 1980s in New York April 8, 2014. REUTERS/Lucas JacksonRemember Al Sharpton’s history of racist and anti-Semitic comments? One reporter at The Daily Surge did and asked the civil rights leader and MSNBC host about them in an interview captured on video.
“In the spirit of Donald Sterling do you think you should be banned from TV for all the racist stuff you’ve said over the years?” asked the interviewer, who questioned Sharpton at outside of the White House Correspondent’s Dinner held earlier this month.
“What racist stuff?” Sharpton responded.
“When you referred to Jews as white interlopers,” the interviewer said.
Sharpton cautioned the reporter against misquoting him and clarified that he was only talking about one Jewish person.
“You went from one guy who paid people off the books and was wrong,” Sharpton responded.
The remarks that the interviewer referenced were uttered by Sharpton in 1995.
Sharpton had sided with a black record store owner against the Jewish owner of Freddie’s Fashion Mart. The owner of the fashion store was a landlord to he record store owner.
Via: Daily Caller

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Saturday, December 28, 2013

MSNBC's Taylor: Republicans 'Almost Single-Handedly Blew Up This Economy'

On Thursday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, during a discussion of Republican resistance to extending unemployment benefits, MSNBC political analyst Goldie Taylor charged that the  GOP "almost single-handedly blew up this economy," and that it was "as if" they "blew up" the "bridge" and then "dared people to cross to the other side of the canyon on their own."

After host Al Sharpton played several soundbites of Republican elected officials and complained that they "act as though" the unemployed are "dependents, that they're some kind of beggars," he turned to Taylor who responded:
You know, this is a party who almost single-handedly blew up this economy. You know, it's as if they stuck dynamite on the bridge, blew it up and then dared people to cross to the other side of the canyon on their own. And so, at the end of the day, this is going to hurt them in 2014. It's going to hurt them in 2016 because you don't know who your next door neighbor happens to be who might be receiving benefits from the Department of Labor.
A bit earlier, Taylor served as a reminder that when conservatives discuss the disproportionate poverty or unemployment rate of the black population in the context of trying to help, that they are attacked as having a racist motivation just for noticing, but when liberals do the same, it is considered a perfectly reasonable topic of conversation. As she tried to make Kentucky Republican Senator Rand Paul seem insensitive to the needs of the black population, Taylor recalled that "African-Americans have a higher disproportionate unemployment rate than the rest of the country."

Below is a transcript of relevant portions of the Thursday, December 26, PoliticsNation on MSNBC:
AL SHARPTON: Goldie, you know, Senator Rand Paul is standing behind his comments that extending jobless benefits does a disservice to the workers. Listen to this.

SENATOR RAND PAUL (R-KY): And so really, when I said it's a disservice, I mean this. I am worried about the workers. Not that I think they become bad people by being unemployed longer, but that the longer they're unemployed, the less likely they are ever to get a job again.

SHARPTON: Now, Goldie, keep in mind in Senator Paul's home state of Kentucky, about 53,000 people will lose benefits if Congress fails to act. But this is his position.

TAYLOR: Yeah, I've got to agree with Governor Rendell here. You know, you've got to force them to vote because if they do have to vote, then they're going to turn around to the people in their district, the people who are receiving SNAP benefits that they wanted to cut, the people receiving unemployment benefits that they refuse to extend. Now, the people who want to sign up for the Affordable Care Act when they refuse to create these exchanges.

You know, we need to force them to vote on not extending this unemployment benefits package so that the 53,000 people of Kentucky who are going to lose those benefits can see exactly where Rand Paul stands and all of the rest of them. That's what this is really about.

I heard Rand Paul say that he was using this as a part of this mission to attract more African-American voters. Well, African-Americans have a higher disproportionate unemployment rate than the rest of the country. And so, certainly, this is not the constituency you want to talk to about cutting unemployment benefits that people earn who have lost their jobs through no fault, clearly, of their own.
Via: Newsbusters

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Monday, December 23, 2013

Sharpton’s Town Hall Erupts Into Revolt Against ‘Chicago Machine’ Politics

On Thursday, a town hall meeting hosted by Al Sharpton and the National Action Network to address gun violence exploded into a revolt against “Chicago Machine” politics, Mayor Rahm Emanuel, and the aldermen in City Hall, with panel and audience members calling to vote out their elected officials.

One 82-year-old preacher even called for “Tea Party” style meetings in some of Chicago’s south side communities such as Altgeld Gardens and Trumbull Park.
“This was a historic event,” Paul McKinley of V.O.T.E. (Voices of the Ex-Offender) and former 2nd Congressional District GOP nominee to replace Jesse Jackson, Jr. told Breitbart News. “Not because of Al Sharpton coming to town,” he continued. “This was first time since electing Mayor Harold Washington in the eighties that all of these grassroots groups and community organizers have come together under one roof to talk about the problems plaguing our community.”

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Sharpton Hits RNC on Rosa Parks Tweet, Milbank: 'Racism' 'Bubbling' from Tea Party

MilbankOn Monday's PoliticsNation on MSNBC, host Al Sharpton and the Washington Post's Dana Milbank mocked the Republican National Committee for the wording of a tweet that the group sent out marking the anniversary of Civil Rights Movement icon Rosa Parks defying racist Jim Crow laws: "Today we remember Rosa Parks' bold stand and her role in ending racism."

Sharpton picked up on liberal entities interpreting the tweet to be suggesting that racism has already ended, and, without even noting that the RNC sent out a second tweet a few hours later to placate critics by changing the wording, Sharpton pounced as he teased the segment:
Plus this weekend, the RNC declared that racism is over. Racism is no more. Yes, doesn't make sense to me, either.
A bit later, he plugged again:
Plus the RNC sends out a tweet declaring that racism is over. And they wonder why the GOP has problems with the minority outreach?
The MSNBC host then began the segment by showing a pre-recorded clip of himself in black and white pretending to announced that racism is over. He then added:
Sorry to break it to everyone, racism didn't actually end. But someone should tell the Republican Party.
After quoting the RNC's first tweet, he continued:
Now, I doubt that the GOP was trying to be offensive, but the tweet received so much attention because of the recent unfortunate history between some on the right and race. This year alone, a Tea Partier waved a Confederate flag at the gates of the White House. The GOP has a Senate candidate who addressed a neo-confederate group. And to this day, sitting members of Congress are still accusing the President of being born in Kenya.

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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sharpton, Guests Clash Over Nuclear Option: Dems ‘Played Into Republicans’ Hands’

Al Sharpton said Friday night it’s now “par for the course” for conservatives to make tone-deaf remarks about rape, in the wake of comments made by Rush Limbaugh comparing the nuclear option to a circle of people voting on whether to rape women. Sharpton and his guests, Joe Madison and Patricia Murphy, condemned Limbaugh’s comments, but actually disagreed on whether the Democrats were in the right to push the red button in the first place.
Murphy called Limbaugh’s comments “disgusting [and] totally uncalled for,” but then proceeded to disagree with Sharpton and Madison on the nuclear option. She argued the Democrats “played into Republicans’ hands,” saying they should have fought within the rules rather than changing them.
Madison shot back that the Democrats aren’t “dealing with honest brokers,” that the Republicans brought this on themselves after years and years of obstruction and blatant opposition to anything President Obama wanted.
Sharpton also brought up two distinct criticisms of Obama from the right: he’s a ruthless dictator who doesn’t abide by the rule of law, and he’s also a weak-kneed politician with no spine. Well, which is it?
Watch the video below, via MSNBC:
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Tuesday, November 19, 2013

[VIDEO] Greta: 'Knockout Game' No Laughing Matter ... Where Are Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Others?

Let's all go "Off the Record" for a minute. Look at this. Take a close look. Do you know what is going on? That is young African-American teenagers viciously and gratuitously attacking a random victim, a teacher, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Now, this violent act is what the teens where this is happening laughingly call "The Knockout Game."

This is no game. It's a mean, dangerous and a deadly crime. Already, one man hit has died from the so-called "Knockout Game." That's murder.

It's hard to think it could be worse, even more degrading, but it might be because lots of other teens know about this "Knockout Game." They have even been interviewed laughing about it, laughing like they don't get that this is wrong. Instead, acting like it's funny. Funny, really? They think it's funny?

Watch the videos on Gretawire. It's posted there. There is even more. This "Knockout Game" crime is a trend. It's growing. Don't believe me? We've had two incidents in the last few days right here in D.C. I know this is a very touchy topic because the game is regrettably popular amongst unsupervised African-American teens. No one wants to get near the topic of race. We also can't run from this one.

People are getting her hurt and murdered, and even those who live in these communities where this is happening. They have a right to be safe, and they don't have to live in fear of having their children hurt or even poisoned by ugly peer pressure, right? This game has to be condemned. And in order for the condemnation to have any impact whatsoever it has to come from important role models to these young teens.

I beg of Reverend Jesse Jackson, Reverend Al Sharpton and even President Obama to step up right now and speak out. Your silence will speak volumes, but your voice could make a big difference. Don't wait. Be leaders, they need you. We need you.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Sharpton, Joan Walsh Unload on Palin for Slavery Remark: Feeding ‘White Grievance Industry’

Al Sharpton wasted no time on Monday night tearing into Sarah Palin for comparing the national debt to slavery, with the qualifying phrase “this isn’t racist.” Sharpton said, “It’s hard to avoid sounding racist when you make comparisons like that,” and was joined by Cynthia Tucker and Joan Walsh in the ensuing Palin pile-on.
Sharpton brought up Palin’s low approval ratings and argued that part of the reason the Republicans and tea party suffer from low approvals as well is because they “repeat her talking points,” and called on them to “reject Palin’s brand of extremism instead of copying it.”
Tucker said that for the GOP, slavery is just like rape, because every time they openly speak about either, “they’ll say something stupid.” Walsh, however, differed from Sharpton’s talk of “extremism” by charging that “Sarah Palin is the mainstream of the Republican party.” Walsh added, “When you’re tempted to preface something by saying ‘this isn’t racist,’ maybe you should check yourself and think about it, because it probably is.’”
Walsh added that Palin’s just fueling the “white grievance industry” with charged comments like that.
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Friday, November 1, 2013

[VIDEO] MSNBC analyst: ObamaCare will save marriages, or something

Hey. what’s another ridiculous ObamaCare promise on top of all the others that have collapsed?  MSNBC analyst Goldie Taylor embodied the magical thinking behind the ACA as cost-saving reform by telling Al Sharpton that the law will make American marriages happier because it will save money, which is the biggest driver of divorces, which means that Democrats are the “party of families.”
Yeah, it doesn’t really get any more coherent than that:
Actually, Andrew Johnson points out, the incentives built into the law promote divorce:
To illustrate, let’s start with the 60-year-old married couple with no children …
If they have identical earnings totaling $65,000, which will usually net down to $50,000 or below after all income and payroll taxes, their Obamacare exchange Silver Plan premium next year with the same earnings will be $16,382, or about one-third of what used to be their take-home pay. (And they call it the “Affordable Care Act”?)
What can this couple do? Well, they could decide to earn a few thousand dollars less, which will negate the five-figure premium hit. Encouraging ordinarily willing workers to put in less effort isn’t good in any economy, but especially not this one. But if either spouse’s earnings are unpredictable or hard to precisely track, they could still “mess up” and get socked with a premium they can’t afford.
The “easiest” solution would be to avoid the “wedding tax” entirely by getting divorced while still living together. … Instead of facing an exorbitant premium increase once their combined earnings hits $62,041 if they were to stay married, each cohabiting adult can earn up to $45,960 before Obamacare’s “tax credit”-free premiums kick in. Their annual after-tax savings at age 60 if they shack up and keep their individual earnings between $31,021 and $45,960 will range from $7,650 to over $11,000. The annual savings will slightly increase every year until Medicare kicks in at age 65. That kind of money can buy a lot of gifts for the grandkids.
Via: Hot Air
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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Sharpton threatens NYC store boycott over profiling claims

The Rev. Al Sharpton threatened to boycott high-end Barneys New York on Saturday amid racial profiling allegations brought forth by black shoppers in New York City.
"We've gone from stop and frisk to shop and frisk, and we are not going to take it," Sharpton said during a weekly rally at his National Action Network's headquarters in Harlem. "We are not going to live in a town where our money is considered suspect and everyone else's money is respected."
Joining Sharpton at the rally, Kirsten John Foy with National Action Network said the civil rights activist would be meeting with Barneys officials Tuesday to discuss the allegations. Sharpton called for a boycott of the store if the luxury retailer's response is inadequate.
Black shoppers in New York City appear to be coming out of the woodwork this week to say they were racially profiled at retail stores — two at Barneys New York — and the most recent allegation involves an actor for the popular HBO show Treme at Macy's flagship store.
Actor Robert Brown told the NY Daily News he was "paraded" through Macy's back in June in handcuffs and detained for an hour in a holding cell in the store while an employee called police because the store suspected the credit card he was using to purchase sunglasses was not legitimate.
Macy's issued a statement: "We are investigating the alleged claims, as we were just made aware of this lawsuit. We do not comment on matters in litigation." The retailer said it is investigating the charges.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Liberal Radio Host: Ben Carson is GOP’s ‘Black Racial Hit Man’

During a segment on Al Sharpton’s radio show, author and regular co-host Earl Ofari Hutchinson identified GOP rising star Ben Carson as a “black racial hit man” for conservative views, a figure who can make pointed and controversial statements with less fear of reprisal than a white conservative.
“Let’s put a black face, two or three would be better, a black face on all the dirt, all the muck, all the grime, just everything we can think of negative that the GOP has made their stock and trade the last few years,” Hutchinson said. “Let’s put some black faces, maybe some Latino faces, but especially black faces out there, because we know how African Americans think about—and rightly so—the GOP.”
“Now, I think Ben Carson fits into the plan,” he continued. “You take someone who, on the surface, has a compelling life story. Many people know that. They’ve read his book, they heard him lecture over time. They know his tremendous accomplishments as a medical professional, overcoming many odds. So, he’s almost tailor-made to be the stalking horse, to say stupid things, to say dumb things, but more importantly, to say very, very pointed things. In other words, he’s almost—no, not almost, he is the black racial hit man.”
Carson recently made headlines when he compared Obamacare to slavery, which drew scores of criticism but was also followed by a second-place finish in the Values Voter Summit straw poll.
“Essentially he can say things that a lot of white GOPers, conservatives, don’t feel comfortable saying, because if they say it they’ll be branded racist,” Carson said. “So we leave it to the Ben Carsons, theHerman Cains, the Clarence Thomases, the rare times he opens his mouth, for them to say these kinds of things, knowing that you might pause—hoping, anyway, that you might pause for a minute before branding them stupid, dumb, and most importantly, bigoted. So I think Carson fits into that.”
Listen to the whole clip below:

Thursday, October 17, 2013

MSNBC's Taylor Suggests DeMint Wears 'Clown Pajamas'

On Tuesday's PoliticsNation, MSNBC contributor Goldie Taylor accused the Heritage Foundation of "strapping dynamite to the bridge" in trying to influence the agreement to end the government shutdown, and went on to mock Heritage President Jim DeMint as wearing "clown pajamas."

After host Al Sharpton griped about DeMint being a "far, far right" influence on congressional members, Taylor complained:
In effect, what Heritage has done is they have strapped dynamite to the bridge on the way to reconciliation in opening up this government.
A bit later, Sharpton played a clip of Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz using a Chuck Norris joke to praise DeMint. Cruz:
Kids all over the world wear Superman pajamas. Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas. And let me tell you, Chuck Norris wears Jim DeMint pajamas.
Taylor cracked:
I think that Jim DeMint probably wears the clown pajamas, is what it really sounds like.
Below is a transcript of the relevant portion of the Tuesday, October 15, PoliticsNation on MSNBC:
AL SHARPTON: They were going to deal with the shutdown, avoid the default. DeMint comes out with the Heritage Action, says don't vote. He (Speaker John Boehner) backs down. Last week Jim DeMint wrote a letter to President Obama on ObamaCare. He writes, "We believe the law should be fully repealed, but at minimum both sides should agree not to fund the law for one year, a time out that would halt the law's most harmful effects before they start."
Via: Newsbusters

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Friday, October 4, 2013

The World According to Andrea Mitchell

In an incident ignored by the media, race-baiter extraordinaire Andrea Mitchell and other big-name journalists candidly exposed their bigotry and racial prejudices at a friendly forum in the nation's capital last year.
In an unusually candid conversation, mainstream media stars Mitchell, David Gregory, and Dana Milbank let loose in an orgy of Caucasian self-flagellation during a panel discussion titled, "Media: Race & Politics - The Impact of Race in Politics 2012," at the National Action Network's conference in Washington, D.C.  The left-wing street thug group is headed by none other than Jew-hating homophobe and Obama ally Al Sharpton.
Now's a good time to bring this up as Mitchell, one of the biggest Obama supplicants on the boob tube, improbably receives the National Press Club's highest honor, the Fourth Estate Award, at a gala banquet tonight in the capital city.  Mitchell is receiving the prize even though it is designated for "a journalist who has made significant contributions to the field through a lifetime of excellence."
Mitchell is NBC's Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports."
The panel discussion, which took place April 13, 2012, ought to be old news, but it didn't make the news at all: no media outlets got around to reporting it at the time.  Presumably they weren't interested because they agreed with the speakers and didn't consider their comments controversial.  Of course, April 13 last year was two days after George Zimmerman was chargedwith second-degree murder in the death of Trayvon Martin.  (Martin's mourning parents made an appearance at the conference.)

Via: American Thinker

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