Showing posts with label Approval Poll. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Approval Poll. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Obama's Current Approval Rating Is The Ugliest Since Nixon

obamaPresident Barack Obama is ending his fifth year in office with the lowest approval ratings at this point in the presidency since President Richard Nixon, according to a new Washington Post/ABC poll released Tuesday.
Obama's approval rating in the poll stands at 43%. By comparison, President George W. Bush had a 47% approval rating at the end of the fifth year of his presidency. And all other Post-World War II presidents had approval ratings above 50% — with the exception of Nixon, who, amid the Watergate scandal, had a dreadful 29% approval rating.
The brutal numbers underscore what has been something of a lost year for the President. His approval ratings have been plunging recently as a result of the botched implementation of the Affordable Care Act. In the Washington Post/ABC poll, only 34% approve of how Obama is handling his signature health law's implementation. 
Obama has also been hit by the damage of Washington's recent fiscal battles, including the 16-day federal government shutdown. His administration also experienced a number of setbacks throughout the year — the controversy over some of the National Security Agency's surveillance practices, the debate over military intervention in Syria, the controversy over the IRS' targeting of certain organizations for more scrutiny, and more.
Earlier this month, Obama's average approval rating, according to Real Clear Politics, slipped below 40% for the first time in his presidency.
Via: Business Insider

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Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Oh my: Obama falls to 39% job approval in new Gallup poll; Update: Under 50% among Latinos too

I told you it was coming and now here it is.
His all-time low in Gallup is … 38 percent, which he reached twice in late summer and fall 2011 before rebounding. This is why I thought it was noteworthy last week when hisfavorable rating ended up negative for the first time in that WSJ/NBC poll. He’s had dips in job approval before but retained his personal popularity with voters. People liked him even when they thought he was doing a bad job, which I think provided a floor for his overall approval rating. I’m not sure that floor is there anymore. He’s had a horrendously bad month, from the shutdown to the nightmare to the new wrinkles about NSA spying to, of course, the fiasco of “if you like your plan” having been exposed as a grand lie. If you supported Obama before because you thought he’d be an omnicompetent best-and-brightest liberal technocrat, your image of him has been shattered by the rollout. If you supported Obama before because you thought he was a straight-shooting hopey-changey fighter for the middle class, your image of him now has to be reconciled with the fact that millions of middle-class people are being forced into more expensive coverage and that O lied, lied, lied his ass off about it for three years. I said it in the WSJ/NBC post and I’ll say it again: Given the amount of crap raining on him, he’s lucky to be as high as 39 percent. If the website can’t be fixed this month and he’s forced to do something drastic like delaying the law for six months, some liberals will abandon him too and he’ll end up in the low 30s. And yes, even a lame duck’s approval rating matters:
It’s -14 today, a full year removed from the midterms. Where will it be in October 2014, a month removed, when the new, almost certainly higher insurance rates for 2015 are released?
I have no new Obama video for this post so here’s Toronto Mayor Rob Ford admitting that he’s smoked crack in the past. Approval rating: 43 percent.
Update: Latinos are big supporters of ObamaCare under normal circumstances, but a month of Glitchpalooza and lies about people keeping their plans isn’t “normal circumstances.” He’s at 49 percent now, down nine points since the week before.
Via: Hot Air
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