Showing posts with label Hempstead. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hempstead. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Presidential Debate, Round 2

Pressure on Obama to check Romney surge at NY debate
Published October 16, 2012 |
First, President Obama was too cool. Then Vice President Biden was, by some accounts, too hot.
Can Obama get it just right?

At his second debate against Mitt Romney, the pressure is unquestionably on the president to recapture the momentum. The debate at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y., comes as new polls continue to show Romney closing the gap in key battleground states in the wake of the candidates' opening bout.

And the president's team is making clear that Obama will have a more aggressive -- and more prepared -- approach this time.

"He's excited for it," campaign spokeswoman Jen Psaki said. "He's calm and energized."
Romney's campaign has said little about how and whether the Republican nominee's style might differ Tuesday night, compared with the opening debate, though a second clear-cut victory for the Republican challenger could be a game-changer. A senior Romney adviser said the campaign anticipates a "more aggressive" Obama.

"We expect he'll launch one attack after another in an attempt to distract from his record and make up for his weak performance in Denver," the adviser said.

Both campaigns are stacking the debate hall with surrogates, who will be in place to spin the performances and try to get their version to dominate media coverage going into Wednesday.
Romney's campaign also announced a fresh endorsement Tuesday morning from Ross Perot, though the former presidential candidate is not on the surrogate list for the New York debate.

"We can't afford four more years in which national debt mushrooms out of control, our government grows, and our military is weakened. Mitt has the background, experience, intelligence and integrity to turn things around," Perot said in a statement. Read the full story on ....

Via: Fox News

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