Showing posts with label Liberal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberal. Show all posts

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Bill Press: Anti-Islam Filmmakers 'As Guilty as the Terrorists' Who Killed Americans in Libya

Radio host Bill Press is determined to win the title of most useful idiot to the jihad.

With his most recent lunacy this past Friday, Press is well on his way. (Audio clip after page break)
Behold, what passes for wisdom from the warped wasteland known as liberal radio (audio) --
Now here's the question though and the question that I ask you and it's not an easy one, I understand that.  What, if anything, should happen to the people who made this video? I gotta tell you, I think they are as guilty, that's my opinion, I think they are as guilty as the terrorists who carried out those attacks against our embassy in Libya. Look, we don't know everybody who was involved, but we've seen, I've seen some of them on television. This is a group of extremist, Muslim-hating, so-called Christians in southern California who are using their religion to stir up hatred against Islam. They're basing this on their Christian beliefs. They are, I believe, every bit as guilty as al Qaeda members who, think about it, who use the Koran and abuse their religion to stir up hatred against the United States. These so-called Christians, anybody who uses religion to stir up hate, is not a true believer. And certainly Christians who do so are not true Christians.

So these so-called Christians using their faith to stir up hatred against another of the world's great religions, it is absolutely disgusting and they've gotta know, they had to know what would result in that. After what happened with those Danish cartoons, right, or cartoons drawn for that Danish newspaper. After what happened with that nutjob Terry Jones down in Florida burning the Koran and people getting killed in Afghanistan over the protest that that, that that triggered. After what happened when we saw the video of American troops urinating on Muslim soldiers, right? After that, you had, they had to know that a video like this, not saying that the Muslims are not overreacting. I mean, they're hypersensitive about this stuff, I mean, Jesus, you know, just cool it, right? I mean, we show Jesus naked all the time hanging on the cross.

But, at any rate, their reaction is way overblown. But these, I hate to call them Christians, these so-called Christians had to know that that video would result in certain parts of the world, it would result in violence, it would result in lives being lost. I think, again, they are every bit as guilty and I think the United States, this is not freedom of speech. It's just the old thing, you can't cry fire in a crowded theater and have people trampled to death and say, oh, I was just exercising my freedom of speech. This is an abuse of the First Amendment. It's using, abusing their freedom of speech to cost innocent lives and to cause the taking of innocent lives in certain parts of the world. So, I think the United States ought to identify, yeah, we oughta be going after these terrorists that carried out the attacks in Libya and we are. I think we also ought to be identifying the people who made this video and go after them with the full force of the law and lock their ass up.
Via: Newsbusters

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Friday, September 14, 2012

David Limbaugh Column: Liberal Media Might As Well Wear Obama Buttons

The liberal media gave the ceaselessly political President Obama a pass for campaigning instead of performing his presidential duties when they were most needed, while they castigated Mitt Romney for being political when he was the only one of the two acting presidential.
To be sure, Obama is a political candidate for re-election to the presidency, but do we have to remind ourselves — as he often reminds us — that he also currently holds that office and that it includes duties that supersede his political activities?
After remaining silent for hours after the attacks in Egypt and Libya, Obama called a news conference to issue a brief statement on the matter and, in response to the first question, turned on his heels and walked off. Yet the liberal media, feigning outrage over Romney's alleged political exploitation, are neither curious nor critical about Obama's refusal to answer questions about the attacks, such as whether he considers them an act of war and what responses he is considering.
Via: Newsbusters

Friday, August 24, 2012

Liberal activist group wants to destroy Republican Party, send it ‘the way of the Whigs’

A new liberal super PAC is openly calling for the destruction of the Republican Party because, as the group’s founder argues, the GOP is “no longer a viable political party interested in debate and exchange of positive ideas.”
Cesar Ruiz, the founder of new political action group Haphak America, said his organization’s “mission” is to “expose that the sole national purpose of the Republican Party is not to act in the interests of American citizens, or even of its party members, but to defeat a sitting, duly elected president.”
Because he thinks the GOP only stands for defeating President Barack Obama and nothing else – what he says is a “self-serving purpose” – Ruiz thinks the Republican Party “should [be] disqualif[ied] … as a viable representation of the people it purports to serve.”
The PAC leader says he thinks the “Republican Party needs to go the way of the Whigs and make way for the emergence of another political party intent on working on the behalf of the American people.” The demise of the Whig Party before the Civil War made way for the creation of the Republican Party.
Ruiz said his group plans to use media and grassroots organizers to achieve its goal – and he said the organization will use “the very ruling that Republicans created through the Supreme Court ruling of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission, and use all legal resources at its disposal to create a positive and significant political change in all 50 states by 2016.”
“Complete reversals of previously long held positions of the Republican Party have made this goal of winning the presidency at all cost obvious,” Ruiz added. “The party has abandoned long held values and implemented obstructionist policies that have assisted in the crippling of the economy, resulting in millions of jobs lost.”
Ruiz said, too, that the GOP has “become a subversive element by manipulating voter ID laws and rulings through their systematic strategy to disenfranchise 5 million voters, evident most recently in 3 key battle ground states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida, using these tactics to regain power.”

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