Showing posts with label We the People. Show all posts
Showing posts with label We the People. Show all posts

Saturday, August 29, 2015

[EDITORIAL] Elites v. Patriots

TPATH~ The root causes of our approaching national demise may be many but most could have been averted had any branch of government honored their oaths of office to preserve and protect our Constitution. While classrooms across America teach that the Constitution is archaic and no longer adequate for a modern people, its preamble sets the stage for an equality between "We the People" and those in government. That was unique when it was first penned and remains unique to this very day. The concept of those that govern do so by the consent of the governed and is expressed in our Constitution as first set forth in our Declaration of Independence. It states: "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." This principle of equality is also set forth in the New Testament (Romans 2:11 and Acts 10:34) that tell us God is not a respecter of persons. It is this very principle of establishing true equality among our citizens that was designed to curtail the emergence of a ruling class in our Constitutional Republic. And - it is this principle of equality that is under assault and has unleashed a pandemic of elitists' attitudes cloaked in anesthetizing speeches that sound good to the ear but mean nothing when analyzed by the brain.

If it can be argued that America has undergone a soft coup de tat that empowered a ruling class of global cabalists, it can also be argued that the popularity of the GOPs non-establishment presidential candidates represents the beginnings of a soft counter-coup. Whether or not this soft counter-coup will prevail rests upon the ability of We the People to resist the propaganda that will most certainly bombard the airwaves over the 2016 election cycle. And the people's resistance will in turn rest on their ability to stay informed of the facts and not be swayed by some of the most effective spinmeisters the world has ever known. Once again, there are several Bible verses that tell us we are to be informed, and not being informed will result in our demise (Hosea 4:6; Job 36:12; Prov. 5:23 and 10:21). This ability to separate fact from the fictional spin will be especially challenged by the $100,000,000 Jeb Bush has raised to date, the deep pockets of the Clinton Foundation, and wealthy, power-crazed men like George Soros. In this war between the establishment cabalists and the patriots, the battle strategies will not be designed around tanks or nuclear warheads. They will be cloaked in political speak and cunning phrases that can fool even the most ardent constitutionalist – if possible.

But how does America decode the disingenuous speak of the career politician from the true American patriot? They look for the facts and identify the double standards. For example, politicians who hold the citizenry to one standard but exempt themselves from the same standard, i.e.:

The swift investigation and sentencing of General Petraeus for compromising classified information with his biographer and girlfriend, resulting in a $100,000 fine, two years of probation, and forcing the General to retire. Compare this to Hillary Clinton's email scandals, currently revealing over 300 security issues in just a small sampling of her recovered emails. Perhaps General Petraeus should have considered running for the presidency instead of resigning.

On the subject of emails, elite NY firefighter and U.S. Marine Corp. Forces Reserve Major Jason Brezler is facing a less than honorable discharge for emailing a single classified report in a desperate effort to save the lives of three marines who were in danger. Brezler is being prosecuted (or should I say persecuted?) for breaking security protocol by sending classified information over an insecure line. Once again, compare this to the situation with Hillary Clinton, who conducted all national security communications over an insecure line.

Of course there is Attorney General Eric Holder's refusal to produce documents requested during a congressional investigation regarding the "Fast and Furious" scandal and claiming "executive privilege", which is the administration's way of saying they are above the law. Can you imagine what would happen to you if you so defied a congressional investigation?

Let's not forget that Congress is not bound by the Security and Exchange Commission's regulations and laws regarding insider trading. Martha Stewart certainly wasn't able to claim an exemption for something far more trivial.

While on the subject of Congress, consider ObamaCare – a health care debacle that was seriously opposed by the American people and passed by Congress without so much as these elitists having the decency to even bother reading it. Then, after it is passed, what do they do? They exempt themselves and their staffs from living under the same laws they have pressed upon us.

What about all the Second Amendment infringements that state legislators and governors have passed, arguing that guns are the fault of the rise in violent crimes around the country? How many of these legislators pack heat to protect their families and themselves but deny us the same protection?

Or what about the re-election of John Boehner as Speaker of the House after a reported 60 percent of Republican voters urged their representatives to vote against Boehner? With the exception of 25 congressmen who listened to the wishes of their constituents, is it reasonable to ask if the other members of the House of Representatives really "derive their just powers from the consent of the governed?

Of course I could probably fill a library with books written to document the unfulfilled campaign promises by elected politicians – like the revocation of ObamaCare and the securing of our borders. But I could fill even more libraries with books documenting the unconstitutional decisions rendered by our judges. In my home state of New Jersey alone, decisions that boldly proclaim that the judges understand that their decision is unconstitutional but will rule adversely anyway are mind-boggling.

The list of double-standards could go on and on but most reading this will already be aware of many additional items that qualify. The point is that America has enabled the emergence of these elitists. However, there is good news. America seems to be waking up. The double-talk of Jeb Bush regarding his stance on Common Core didn't score him any polling points with the public. Although his answer was well-rehearsed and well-crafted, its disingenuousness did not escape the eyes of the now alert public. The identifiable pattern continues with the full-of- himself Governor Chris Christie, who in the past has redefined sin, explains away NJ's troubles as resting on the shoulders of a Democratic legislature, and defends his record of violating the Fourth Amendment, as he sees fit of course. This behavior is to be expected from the ruling class elitists whose actions prove that they believe they are above the law and the public is too stupid to look beyond their talking points. (Many thanks to Donald Trump for restoring the word "stupid" to our vernacular.)

The so-called phenomenon of Donald Trump, Dr. Carson, and Carly Fiorina may not be a phenomenon at all. It may just be the longed-for evidence that the sleeping giant once known as the silent majority is no longer swallowing the sweet-talking lies of career politicians. But the battle for the heart and soul of America is far from over. And if my analysis is correct, we can expect a smear campaign launched against all of the would-be citizen representatives - the likes of which we have never seen before. In this case, skeletons will not just emerge from the candidates' closets, they will be conjured up and paid for by the once all-powerful ruling class. So my advice, America: don't fall for it. It's time to rally the troops and circle the wagons. The elitist cabal will not go down without a fight. Are you up to the challenge?

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Thank God Mr. Cruz is in Washington

My email account was on fire, everyone excited about Senator Ted Cruz calling Senate majority leader Mitch McConnell a liar on the Senate floor. Cruz cited each of Obama's unprecedented unlawful power grabs and repeals of our freedoms that the GOP promised to block, only to stab us (We the People/Tea Party) in the back. Immediately, I thought, “Thank God Ted Cruz is in Washington.”

Before I go on, I wish to address a guy whom I will call Ned. Whenever I praise a conservative, Ned emails to correct me, claiming the conservative is a deceitful traitor. When I share reasons for optimism, Ned vehemently disagrees, even seeming a bit angry that I would think our efforts could possibly make a difference in America's corrupt political environment. Ned always sees the glass less than half empty. I guess we need people like Ned to keep us balanced -- although I am not quite sure about that.

Sure enough, in response to patriots' giving Cruz rave reviews for speaking truth to Washington power, Ned ripped into Cruz about questionable votes. Folks, I realize Ted Cruz is not perfect. But then, which presidential candidate is? Jesus is not running for president in 2016.

To a member of the Tea Party since it began, Cruz going down the list of GOP betrayals brought back memories. Remember how we fought and worked our butts off to give the GOP the House, then the Senate? We worked to elect Republicans to stop Obama from rolling out the welcome mat to illegals.

Over a million of us showed up in DC to protest ObamaCare.

I thought about how Obama sent out his liberal mainstream media air force to bomb us with accusations of racism against the first black president; hoping to soften and diminish our ranks. The Tea Party is not racist, nor do we hate anybody

In his speech, Cruz did two things that were quite remarkable. First -- Cruz exposed the good-cop, bad-cop personal and corporate enrichment scam both parties have been playing on the American people. Second -- Cruz spoke with unprecedented clarity. He did not say McConnell misspoke or McConnell was disingenuous. Cruz said McConnell lied.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

[COMMENTARY] What the Role of ‘We the People’ Is

“We the People.” We’ve heard that phrase so often it’s easy to overlook its significance. But as we mark our nation’s birthday, we should take a moment to ask ourselves: What is the role of the people?
Our nation is unique because of its universal founding principles. At the heart of these principles is the belief that people are free by nature and possess inherent rights. The use each one of us makes of these rights will naturally be different, and the outcomes of those choices will naturally differ, too. But the choice remains ours.
Freedom is thus inextricably bound up with living our lives as we see fit. This is self-government in the truest sense of the term. We the people need not slavishly defer to experts. We can be trusted to govern ourselves.
That is why government must remain limited: The people have given it only limited powers, as described in the Constitution. When we allow government to take more than we have given it, our choices become meaningless. At worst, unlimited government is tyrannical; at best, it imposes a dull uniformity that crushes true diversity and saps the independent spirit of the people.
The founders strove to create a government that couldn’t be dominated by a single faction. That faction might be a minority or a majority. But no matter its size, it would inevitably seek to promote its own narrow interests at the expense of the liberties of the people.
One purpose of the Constitution’s checks and balances—one reason it divides and limits power—is to restrain the ambition of the powerful and promote “the general welfare.”
Yet as the federal government has grown over the past century, its business has increasingly become taking from Paul to benefit Peter, then borrowing from Peter to pay off Paul. What supporters of big government call the general welfare is merely the artful distribution of favors to particular factions.
The federal government is not supposed to be the most important institution in America. In securing the general welfare, it’s supposed to do only those things that are provided for in the Constitution.
It must, for example, provide for the common defense and regulate our relations with foreign nations. It must respect our right to enjoy the fruits of our labor by taxing lightly, and defend the freedom of the marketplace by ensuring the rule of law. And it must remember that the family and religion are where we learn virtue, and that without virtue, government cannot be both limited and free.
As John Adams stated: “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” In the United States, government requires not merely the consent of the governed. It rests ultimately on the ability of the people to govern themselves. Thus, the first role—the first duty—of the people is to ensure that they remain virtuous and free.

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