Thursday, October 10, 2013

Obama’s panic button still not working

When Marxists are rummaging in the bottom of their bag of tricks to drive the masses to panic, it’s only commonsense that you do the exact opposite.

It must be frustrating for a president waiting five long years for folk to panic when they are clearly standing their ground on not giving him his way.

It’s a frustration that’s so easy to read in consideration of yesterday’s Immigration Rally held at the closed National Mall, where lawmakers arrived in golf carts to hear a Nancy Pelosi speech. Halloween costumes were the only thing missing.

Right now the government shutdown/slimdown is a public exercise in pulling-the-wings-off-flies,  with a look-how-much-pain-I-can-so-easily-inflict-upon-the-plebes kind of showcasing.  But the only one really panicking is Obama witnessed in the outrageous lies dropped in yesterday’s presser.

Everyone but the gullible low-information voters knows that this is a cat and mouse game that must end one way or the other on or before October 17 when Obama’s threatening to default.

In putting all of his raw power out on public display during the current partial government slowdown, Obama could be basting the fatted calf for the Grand Finale called Imposition of Martial Law.
But even then, it’s highly unlikely that the masses will topple lemming-like into Obama’s go-into-panic-mode-on-order trap.

Notice how plain common sense and human ingenuity are trumping painful measures trotted out by a painted-in-a-corner, overreaching administration?  When barricades were put up at the World War II memorial, vets coming from great distances to see them, merely moved them away. 

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