Monday, October 14, 2013

On the LAM – It’s Liberty Amendments Monday

A continuing series of discussions of Mark Levin’s new book,
The Liberty Amendments: Restoring the American Republic
(Discussion #8 – Naysayers)
I’m traveling this week, so you are spared my usual lengthy ramble.
This week Mark Levin pointed out on his radio program that many Conservatives have taken up the cause. But at the same time, many are engaging in the sport of naysaying. We also see among the progressive caucus of Republicans an attempt to marginalize not only the Tea Party types, but anyone claiming the Consititution has meaning.
But among general naysayers, we’ve seen the same concepts again and again over the past several weeks: people confusing the Article Five process with the Constitutional Convention; people claiming it can’t work because things are so bad nothing will work; and people claiming “no one knows how the process will work.”
Well all those naysayers have done is proven they didn’t read the book, and they haven’t participated in these discussions (here and elsewhere). We do know how the process will work. It isn’t the “Constitutional Convention” and cannot be. And people throwing in the towel are taking themselves out of the game, so why should we even care what they say?
However, one form of naysaying that is reasonably cogent is the group of folks warning us we are just about out of time.
Glenn Beck, showing once again he also didn’t read the book yet (or skim it, or even skim one of the many excellent reviews of it), chose to highlight today a “respected source” who has shown we may not have enough time! Every man who gets out of bed in the morning faces that same problem, of course. So why is it such a big deal? Well, to Beck’s credit, his point is, you had better prepare. And by “prepare” he doesn’t mean just get mentally prepared: he means you need to be taking steps to guard your family. So yeah, he’s right there. But also, that is a continuing responsibility of every family leader.
Via: The RIght Scoop
Continue Reading....
(h/t: Jeff Poor)

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