Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Mac Wins Sandra Fluke Vote; Media Anoint Christie GOP Nominee

Crony businessman Terry McAuliffe rode a massive 70-22% margin among single women to a shockingly tiny victory over Ken Cuccinelli -- while Chris Christie has been declared the winner of the GOP Media Primary for the 2016 presidential nomination.  These are just a few of the fascinating developments from Virginia, New Jersey, and elsewhere last night.  Oddly, Fox News was not nearly as fascinated by any of it as were CNN and MSNBC -- that is, until Christie took to the podium at 10:15 eastern.
Meanwhile, the Republican establishment's expected victory dance on the grave of the Tea Party movement should be at least postponed, if not canceled -- and the Jurassic media's "move along, nothing to see here" attitude toward ObamaCare's nearly devastating impact on McAuliffe's campaign rang hollow and desperate across cable networks last night.
Oh, and while we're at it, let's not forget the game-changing significance that socially liberal faux libertarian Robert Sarvis had on the Virginia race.  For months, it was assumed he was hurting Ken Cuccinelli's campaign.  However, in the final weeks, as his liberal social positions became more evident, it appeared that he was perhaps pulling a lot of support from McAuliffe as well.  In the end, exit polls from yesterday prove that he did indeed hurt the Republican the most, validating the money Democrat bundlers put behind this campaign -- a captivating dynamic that saw the light of day just 24 hours ago.

Via: American Thinker

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