Monday, May 25, 2015

State Dept. Makes Curious Redaction in Hillary Email

Among the emails released by the State Department today was one sent by Hillary Clinton to Jake Sullivan on April 8, 2011. Clinton was forwarding a private intelligence report that Sidney Blumenthal had sent her with the subject line: "UK game playing; new rebel strategists; Egypt moves in."
Secretary Clinton 8x10 2400 1
In the State Department release today, Clinton responds with "FYI" and a sentence that is redacted. 
But the New York Times posted its versions of the emails earlier this week and the sentence is not redacted. In theTimes's version the redacted sentence reads: "FYI. The idea of using private security experts to arm the opposition should be considered." 
The redaction in the State Department version is labeled a "B5" Freedom of Information Act exception, which provides for a "deliberative privilege" in keeping the information from the public.
The obvious question: Why did the State Department redact that sentence?

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