Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Faltering Obama revs up attacks

Buzz Cut:
• Faltering Obama revs up attacks
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FALTERING OBAMA REVS UP ATTACKS - President Obama is back in attack mode. Obama’s tone, which was briefly contrite following his admission that he had misled voters about being able to keep their insurance policies, turned combative during his West Coast campaign swing. He blamed Republicans for problems with his faltering health law, promising that “anybody who is going to keep on pushing against that, they will meet my resistance.” Obama is very much reverting to his 2012 playbook: firing up the base with sharp attacks on Republicans and personalizing policy differences. That’s one thing in an election when he could pin it on an individual opponent, but quite another when the issue is a law passed with only Democratic votes and enacted by his own administration. While liberals may be feeling less bilious as signups for free and subsidized health insurance pick up, the problem is all about the people who are losing coverage and jobs because of the law.
[Calls to delay the next round of penalties under the health law are growing louder. WSJ has more]
Gather together - Liberals armed with Twitter-fed talking points are ready to bring the battle of ObamaCare to the Thanksgiving dinner table, but the problems will far outlast the holiday or any of the shifting deadlines for enactment and enforcement of the law. The president’s hope to revive and drive his campaign supporters in defense of ObamaCare sounds okay for an administration deep in panic mode, but what about when the cancellation notices keep rolling out and premium spikes continue to torment so many of the 85 percent of Americans who already have coverage? Convincing folks that the uninsured should be covered is one thing, but telling them that they have to give up coverage or pay more for what they have in order to finance it is quite another.

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