Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Magnitude of the Lie

Let’s think for a second about the immensity of what was done to the American people. The lie that was told. And continues to be told. And the resulting, awful, and unavoidable conclusion that your government cannot be trusted.
Obama’s claim, stated ad nauseum, that you could keep your health insurance, your doctor, your hospital, your proctologist, and so forth, was not just untrue. It was about as far from the truth as Harry Reid is from being a Martian.
Obama and Sebelius
Photo by Keith Koffler
On second thought, that’s not so far. But you get what I’m talking about.
The claim wasn’t even in the ballpark. Because not just a few people’s plans are going to change. Most of them will. Tens of millions. And Obama knew it.
Because the notion that your insurance must change is not just a fun factabout Obamacare; it’s central to its premise.
Obamacare guarantees certain benefits. Therefore, ergo, and so . . . PLANS THAT DON’T OFFER THESE BENEFITS HAVE TO CHANGE OR END.

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