Wednesday, November 20, 2013


I Told You So: Obama Really Stole the ElectionI don’t mean to say, “I told you so”…But I told you so.
In October of 2012, just before the election, we heard miraculous unemployment reports that made it sound like the economy was turning around. Hundreds of thousands of jobs were supposedly created. Happy days were here again. “Bravo Obama,” said the adoring mainstream media. It was the biggest one month jobs increase ever.
But I smelled a rat. I warned again and again in the media that “the books were cooked.” I screamed this was pure fraud and the voters were being scammed. I accused Obama and his friends in the government employees union of fixing the election. Democrats and the mainstream media (I know, I repeat myself) called those charges “preposterous.” They said it was impossible to fake jobs reports.
Surprise, surprise, guess who was right? It turns out government employees faked the jobs reports to re-elect Obama. They wanted the man who protects their bloated salaries, obscene pensions, and corrupt unions, to be re-elected. They would stop at nothing to keep the gravy train rolling, so they made up reports about job increases out of thin air. 
The entire election was pure fraud. Based on fantasy. Americans walked into the voting booths hearing fresh news that indicated the economy was improving and jobs were dramatically increasing. It was all fake. The numbers were made up out of thin air by pro-Obama government employees. The voters of America made their final decisions based on pure fraud.
Worse this fraud endangered our entire economy. The Federal Reserve bases billion dollar decisions, like interest rate hikes and quantitative easing, on jobs reports. If those job increases don’t actually exist, the Fed is moving in the wrong direction. Crimes were committed that falsely elected a President and could cause billion dollar damages for years to come to the U.S. economy.
But wait, that’s only the latest reported fraud that stole the election. 
Via: The Blaze
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