Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Video. Show all posts

Monday, November 18, 2013


Christmas came early for the Republicans as House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi – the most repulsive figure in American politics, although Senate Majority Leader Harry “Why would I want to help kids with cancer?” Reid gives her a strong run for her money – sallied forth onto NBC’s “Meet the Press” to spin the ObamaCare disaster.
Her most bizarrely memorable line came when she tried to downplay the millions of people who have lost their insurance due to ObamaCare, suggesting they’re a bunch of whining ingrates who don’t appreciate what the glorious Democrat Party has done for them.  Their complains about to the squalling of colicky infants – just a lot of “hoopdey-doo” from people who don’t understand that it’s wonderful their old insurance plans are gone, despite Obama’s fulsome promises to the contrary, and they’ll now be able to buy inferior ObamaCare coverage packed with “benefits” they don’t want at triple the price.
And so while there’s a lot of hoopdey-doo and ado about what’s happening now – very appropriate – I’m not criticizing,” said Pelosi, apparently believing that ObamaCare’s angry victims would be mollified if she just threw that “very appropriate” qualifier in there.  ”I’m saying it took a great deal for us to pass this bill.  I said as we go up to the gate and the gate is locked, we’ll unlock the gate; if we can’t do that, we’ll climb the fence; if the fence is too high, we’ll pole vault in; if we can’t do that, we’ll helicopter in, but we’ll get it done.”

Monday, November 11, 2013

[VIDEO] Veterans Day Message From President George W. Bush…

Sigh, miss him.

[VIDEO] George Will: Other Than Nixon ‘Has There Ever Been a Worse First Year of a Second Term?’

Syndicated columnist George Will asked a marvelous question Sunday that few in the liberal media will.
Appearing on Fox News Sunday, Will said, “Has there ever – with the exception of Richard Nixon in 1973 - been a worse first year of a second term?” (video follows with transcript and commentary):
CHRIS WALLACE, HOST: George, your thoughts about the President’s apology.
GEORGE WILL: Well, it’s one thing for Bill Clinton to say, “I feel your pain.” It’s another thing for Barack Obama to say, “I feel your pain that I have caused,” and for him to say it was caused by a situation. That’s the word he used in the operative sentence.
We this week marked the one year anniversary of his re-election. Has there ever – with the exception of Richard Nixon in 1973 - been a worse first year of a second term? The Pew survey this week has approval of his performance on healthcare – healthcare, his signature issue - disapproval 59 percent. That’s a little bit less than the 60 percent disapproval on immigration and 65 percent on the economy.
And now the Democrats are going to get to vote on some things maybe, or at least Mr. Reid will have to stop them in the Senate. Here’s for example the “If You Like Your Health Plan You Can Keep It Act” from Senator Ron Johnson. It’s four pages long which makes it 902 pages shorter than the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. And these are opportunities for discomfort for the supporters of the Affordable Care Act.
Fabulous question - one that virtually all media members and outlets would be asking if Obama had an "R" next to his name.
Via: Newsbusters

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Sunday, November 10, 2013


A young conservative pundit released a video on Sunday aimed at challenging what he says is the “entitlement mindset of millennials.”
Caleb Bonham, a pundit for college news outlet Campus Reform, said that he believes “an overwhelming majority of the millennial generation believes Americans are entitled to security and a dignified life.”
“Too many of America’s college students embrace the notion that because we have abundance we are inherently exceptional and therefore entitled to a secured, worry-free life,” he said in the video.
According to Bonham, however, such an attitude ultimately leads to an endless desire for government handouts.
“The moment America embraced the idea that we are entitled to life’s necessities through government programs, was the moment America planted the seed that everyone is entitled to health insurance, or free daycare, or government provided cell phones,” he said.
“We have the right to receive dignity as human beings, but we are not entitled to dignified lives,” Bonham concluded. “That is to be determined through our individual life choices and accomplishments.”
Via: The Blaze
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Thursday, October 3, 2013

[VIDEO] RNC Chairman Lights Up MSNBC Anchor

During a heated interview on MSNBC, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus called out anchor Thomas Roberts for liberal bias.
The interview was heated from the start, with Roberts claiming Obamacare has a ”mandate by the people reelecting the president and both houses of Congress,” leading Priebus to accuse Roberts of using “talking points.”
“They’re not talking points,” Roberts exclaimed, referring to a speech Obama gave in Maryland moments before the exchange. “That’s directly from what the president just gave a speech on.”
“It sounds like I’m debating the chairman of the DNC here, Thomas. That’s fine. I’m happy to debate you,” Priebus said.
At the conclusion of the interview, Priebus continued to throttle Roberts by suggesting he interview for a job within the Obama administration’s communications department.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

O'Reilly: The Consequences Of Syria

During Monday evening's Talking Points Memo, host Bill O'Reilly called Syrian President Bashar al-Assad the "luckiest man on Earth tonight", as no military action has been taken as of yet against his government:

Via: Fox News

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[VIDEO] Warning: Obamacare May Be Hazardous to Your Health

We’ve talked a lot about Obamacare’s costs—how it will hurt the economy, kill jobs, and cost you and your family more when you pay for health care.
But there’s an even more important cost: your health.
Obamacare will affect the quality of care in this country. It will limit the choices we have in doctors, hospitals, and treatments. People are already learning that their trusted doctors aren’t going to be available to them in the new insurance plans Obamacare is forcing them into.
And disrupting your relationship with your doctor is not how health care reform should be.
The Heritage Foundation, our experts, and our 600,000+ members believe so strongly that Obamacare is bad for your health that we’re putting this message front and center in Times Square.

MUST-SEE SarahPAC Video: 'Enough with the Foreign Fiasco Distraction ... It's Time to Bomb ObamaCare!'

Sarah Palin is pictured. | AP Photo
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Sarah Palin wants to switch the national conversation back to death panels and to “bomb Obamacare.”

The former governor of Alaska and vice presidential candidate posted a new video from SarahPAC, her PAC, to her YouTube, Twitter and Facebook accounts on Monday called “Just Sayin.’” The two-minute video cycles through clips of the media talking about Palin’s warning of “death panels” in Obamacare, starting with criticism before transitioning to clips that Palin was right all along.

Palin posted the video with the message, “Enough of this foreign fiasco distraction. Get back to work. It is time to bomb Obamacare.”

The video ends with a simulated heart rate monitor and the words “to be continued…,” followed by “…sadly,” with a link to SarahPAC’s website.

It’s Palin’s first major reference to Syria since saying, “Let Allah sort it out” last month.

After picking up steam over the summer, efforts to defund Obamacare led by tea party firebrand Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) and Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) have been pushed almost entirely off the radar by the question of authorizing military intervention in Syria.

[VIDEO] : Reps. Bachmann, Gohmert, King Thank Egypt for Overthrowing ‘Evil’ Muslim Brotherhood

With all eyes on Syria this weekend, Reps. Michele Bachmman (R-MN), Louie Gohmert (R-TX) andSteve King (R-IA) traveled to Egypt to deliver a highly unconventional message of support to the Egyptian military for eradicating “common enemy” the Muslim Brotherhood.
In a 15 minute news conference-style video broadcast over a pro-government satellite network and shown by Egyptian state media, Bachmann announced, “We are here as members of Congress to say, ‘We are with you, and we encourage you.’” She proceeded to falsely associate the Muslim Brotherhood with the September 11th, 2001 attacks, saying, “We have seen the threat that the Muslim Brotherhood has posed around the world. We stand against this great evil. We remember who caused 9/11. We remember who it was that killed 3,000 brave Americans.”
She described the “terrorists who have shown themselves so recently in the form of the Muslim Brotherhood” as a “common enemy” for the U.S. and Egypt, adding, “We don’t have a choice. They must be defeated.”
Subsequent comments from Gohmert and King were no less damning, with Gohmert vowing to protect American military aid to Egypt to help combat the “bloodthirsty Muslim brothers.”
One expert on Egypt and the Muslim Brotherhood, political scientist at the University of Oklahoma Samer Shehata told The New York Times that the video resembled “a Saturday Night Live skit–unbelievable, ludicrous, almost comic if it wasn’t so painful.”
All three of the tea party-affiliated lawmakers have been on record denouncing the Muslim Brotherhood at home, but this was the first time any American officials had made such strong comments on the matter in Egypt. Bachmann made accusations about Hillary Clinton aide (and Anthony Weiner’s wife) Huma Abedin’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood last year. King has made similar suggestionsabout President Obama himself. And Gohmert has proposed that the FBI is working with the Muslim Brotherhood to impose Sharia law in America.
Watch video below, via YouTube:

Monday, September 9, 2013

[VIDEO] Obama: Congressional Debates On Syria Will Take A Couple Weeks

During a special interview with Fox News’ Chris Wallace, President Obama acknowledged that Congressional debates will take a couple weeks, and that the American people have not been persuaded by the administrations arguments on Syria.
CHRIS WALLACE: But it’s going to take a couple of weeks?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I do believe it’s going to take some time. Chris, you guys have polls, you do head counts. Right now, the American people are not persuaded. Right now, Members of Congress who are just getting back still have questions. So we’re going to have time to have a good deliberation in congress. We will pursue this diplomatic track. I fervently hope this can be resolved in a nonmilitary way. But I think it is important for us not to let the pedal off the metal when it comes to making sure they understand we mean what we say about international ban on chemical weapons.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Wasserman Schultz Takes Parting Shot at Jim DeMint, Tea Party

DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz appeared on Current TV and took a parting shot at Sen. Jim DeMint, saying he gave up in the Senate because he was alone with his Tea Party "extremism."
I think Senator DeMint clearly sees that the Tea Party is not a growth industry. I mean, he had an election that just passed that did not see the ranks of Tea Party members expand the Senate candidates that he expected to be very likery to join him in the Senate were rejected in red states by the voters who simply know that extremism is just not the way that we need to go forward in getting our economy turned around, in reducing our deficit, in creating jobs. 
So I think, when Jim DeMint looked around, he looked and saw a future where he would be standing by himself very often, and likely facing dwindling, even greater dwindling number of Tea Party advocates and allies. I think he headed for the doors, because he thinks that probably, as he said, the only way he's significant impact is through a think tank. 
Sen. DeMint announced he will be leaving the Senate to become President of the Heritage Foundation.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tingles Slams Dinesh D’Souza’s Film As Racist…

Chris Matthews in a special Sunday night Hardball slammed the south as racist and insisted that quoting Barack Obama is bigoted. An incredulous Matthews explained, "And topping it off, we heard Romney himself out here in Ohio today tying all this trash talk together, the president is bent on, get this, revenge." Of course, while talking to voters last week, the President actually said, "Voting is the best revenge."
In another appearance, on Sunday's Last Word, Matthews appeared totally unaware of the context "Well, where did this revenge come from? Where did that line come from?" [See video below.] On Hardball, Matthews insisted to Howard Fineman that most of the country would vote for Obama: "Well, what do you make of the geography, Howard?...The fact that the north, the west, the Midwest will all support Obama, but the south intensely dislikes him?"
The liberal host derided the movie 2016, dismissing it as "that twisted movie out there now that says the President is governed by some Kenyan, anti-colonial mind set."
Continuing to harp on the "revenge" comment (that he was ignorant of), Matthews said Romney's use of the line in an attack ad "fits so neatly into all the Dinesh D'Souza storyline, the whole rest of the stuff."

Saturday, November 3, 2012


In January of 2009, when President Obama took office, the unemployment rate was 7.8%. Four years and around $5 trillion dollars in debt later, it's 7.9%. When Obama took office the long-term unemployment (U-6) rate was 14.2%. Today, it's 14.6%.

Obama promised us 5.2%.
And, still, the media celebrates the jobs numbers. If you weren't watching the cable nets, consider yourself lucky. It was nauseating. CNN's Erin Burnett and Soledad O'Brien were practically jumping out of their chairs. Need I even describe MSNBC? Keep in mind that the media collective isn't thrilled because these numbers are good news for millions of everyday Americans who are suffering. The media's celebrating because they think these numbers mean well for one person's job -- Obama's.
In the hours since, we've seen the exact same spin from almost every media outlet, analyst, and host.
What we were not being told, though, is that the only reason the unemployment rate increased a mere 0.1% over the last four years is due to millions giving up looking for work and dropping out of the labor force. If the labor participation rate was the same today as it was when Obama took office, the unemployment rate would be closer to 10.5%.
Still the media celebrates.
Under Obama, the growth of food stamp recipients is 75 times greater than the net number of jobs created since Obama took office.  
Still the media celebrates.
The long-term unemployment rose to 40.6% in October.
Still the media celebrates.
The unemployment rate for blacks jumped from 13.4 to 14.3% in October.
Still the media celebrates.
In October, average weekly hours of work, hourly earnings, and weekly earnings, all declined.
Still  the media celebrates.

Friday, November 2, 2012



Schumer:  “I know what you’re going through, sweetheart.”

NY Daily News:  Staten Island has been the scene of some of the most heartbreaking storm-related devastation, especially on the South Shore where numerous trapped residents had to be rescued. Hundreds of homes — from multimillion-dollar mansions to modest bungalows — have been damaged and dozens of streets are impassable due to downed trees and buckled roads.

As such, federal and local officials heard an earful from residents Thursday.

“Please don’t leave us,” a weeping Donna Solli pleaded to Sen. Chuck Schumer in front of her damaged Neptune St. home. “I live alone down here.”
Via: BreitbartContinue Reading...

Monday, October 29, 2012

[VIDEO] OCTOBER SURPRISE: 'Perfect Storm' Hurricane Sandy Shakes Up Campaign Homestretch

 Romney, Obama campaigns cancel events through Tuesday over Sandy

Mitt Romney's campaign has cancelled all events for Monday night and Tuesday "out of sensitivity to those in harm's way," in the latest drastic schedule change in the final week of the presidential campaign due to Hurricane Sandy.
President Obama had already pulled out of a Monday morning rally in Orlando after touching down in Florida the night before. Instead, the president returned to Washington to hold a Situation Room meeting, and monitor preparations for and response to the storm -- a massive system that threatened some 60 million people along the East Coast.
Via: Fox News
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President Barack Obama's campaign went apoplectic Monday over a commercial by Mitt Romney's campaign that alleges Chrysler, despite Obama's bailout, was sold to the Italian company Fiat that intends to build Jeeps in China. 

Obama's campaign manager Jim Messina said "everyone" just had to know the ad is false. And the campaign ran a commercial of its own trying to tear down Romney's commercial. Except Romney's commercial is correct. 
The New York Times reported Romney's commercial says, “Who will do more for the auto industry? Not Barack Obama.” The commercial continues: “Fact checkers confirm his attacks on Mitt Romney are false. Obama took G.M. and Chrysler into bankruptcy, and sold Chrysler to Italians who are going to build Jeeps in China. Mitt Romney will fight for every American job.”

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cutter: Des Moines Register endorsement not based 'in reality’

Obama deputy campaign manager Stephanie Cutter on Sunday dismissed the Des Moines Register endorsement of GOP candidate Mitt Romney, saying it was not “based at all in reality.”
“They endorsed Mitt Romney in the primary, so this was not much of a surprise,” said Cutter on ABC’s “This Week” of the influential swing-state paper’s backing for President Obama’s challenger.
“It was a little surprising to read that editorial, because it didn't seem to be based at all in reality, not just in the president's record, but in Mitt Romney's record,” Cutter added. “It says that he'd reach across the aisle, which he'd do the exact opposite. It's the exact opposite of what he did in Massachusetts.”
Romney on late Saturday received the endorsement of the Des Moines Register, Iowa’s largest newspaper. 
The paper which had backed Obama in 2008 and not endorsed a Republican nominee in 40 years said Romney would be better at building bipartisan compromises in Washington. 

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