Monday, November 5, 2012

House Democrats Declare The Tea Party Has Been Defeated…

MADISON, Wis.—The tea party, at least its widespread influence on Republican congressional candidates, "is over," declared the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, the party group charged with electing Democrats to the House.
"House Republican incumbents—and their candidates—are running as far away from the Tea Party as they can," a pre-election DCCC memo provided to Yahoo News reads. "Regardless of whether [Republicans] win or lose, the Tea Party of 2010 is over. They've been forced on defense in the message fight all cycle long, and now those who win will have done so by giving up on the Tea Party."
The memo argues that Republican lawmakers who arose from the tea party are now promoting bipartisanship and willingness to compromise in their re-election bids instead of embracing the hard-line messages that propelled their campaigns two years ago.
It is possible, of course, that this Democratic declaration is premature. Tea party-backed candidates dominated Republican primary contests across the country in 2012, launching what could be a new class of future Republican leaders. In Texas, Ted Cruz defeated the establishment candidate backed by Gov. Rick Perry, and in Indiana, Richard Mourdock forced longtime Republican Sen. Richard Lugar into early retirement. Looking to 2013, tea party groups who are begrudgingly backing Mitt Romney have vowed to press him, should he become president, toward conservative positions.
The tea party, a grass-roots network of conservative activists, drove many Republican House and Senate candidates to victory in the midterm elections two years ago, but its influence seems to be overshadowed in 2012 by the presidential election. Still, the infrastructure that was built since the movement launched in 2009 has been used to promote Republican congressional candidates and serve as a backup ground game for Romney's presidential campaign.
Regardless of the health of the tea party's influence this election cycle, Republicans are widely expected to retain control of the House.

Democrat Admits He's Voted FOUR Times Already

VOTER FRAUD: N.C. Democrat admits he’s voted 4 times already and will vote again on election day
It’s amazing what people will say online. A North Carolina Democrat named Jim Turner posted on his Facebook page that he has voted FOUR times already and will vote again on election day. Once he did that it was picked up by @BradMarston on twitter and has traveled like a bullet around the blogosphere:


Today, speaking in Concord, New Hampshire, trying to look bipartisan, Barack Obama made this incredible statement:

“As long as I’m president, I’ll work with anybody.”
He can’t be serious.
For a start, let’s take a look at immigration reform. In June of this year, Sen. John McCain, who has always championed bipartisanship, said bitterly:
“This idea that this president or his people reached out to me is patently false. To somehow allege that I didn’t somehow respond to their overtures, that’s patently false. That’s their narrative, and I understand their narrative, but it’s not substantiated by the facts.”
McCain stated that Obama had invited him to the White House in 2009 to discuss immigration reform:
I said, “I’d love to join you,’ and never heard from him,” McCain said…
Obama’s Department of Homeland Security announced in June that it would circumvent Congress and implement the DREAM Act, adding roughly 1.4 million workers to the U.S. labor market. Obama defended himself by insisting that his proposal was not amnesty or immunity, but a new policy that would "mend" the nation's immigration system, make it "more fair, more efficient, and more just." 
Of course, in 2011, when Obama told high school students he did not have the authority to unilaterally suspend deportations, he uttered these mendacious words: 
With respect to the notion that I can just suspend deportations through executive order, that's just not the case, because there are laws on the books that Congress has passed …. Congress passes the law. The executive branch's job is to enforce and implement those laws. And then the judiciary has to interpret the laws.
There are enough laws on the books by Congress that are very clear in terms of how we have to enforce our immigration system that for me to simply through executive order ignore those congressional mandates would not conform with my appropriate role as President.

Report: 500 Generals, Admirals To Endorse Romney

Nearly 500 former military admirals and generals are poised to endorse Mitt Romney, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.
The group will post a full page ad in the Washington Times on Monday. The advertisement will have the headline, “We, the undersigned, proudly support Governor Mitt Romney as our nation’s next President and Commander-in-Chief,” followed by the names of the former military commanders.
A spokesman for the group emphasized its independence from the official campaign. The Romney campaign has not sanctioned this ad buy, a spokesman said, and the members of the group are paying the fee themselves.
The spokesman added that 389 of the individuals on the list are on the Romney Military Advisory Council, too. The Romney campaign has already announced these individuals’ endorsement.
“They have 389 on their list,” the spokesman said, while “we have almost 500.”
The list comes as a Military Times survey revealed that active duty, National Guard, and military reserve members support Romney over Obama by a two to one margin.
Nearly 500 former military admirals and generals are poised to endorse Mitt Romney, the Washington Free Beacon has learned.
The group will post a full page ad in the Washington Times on Monday. The advertisement will have the headline, “We, the undersigned, proudly support Governor Mitt Romney as our nation’s next President and Commander-in-Chief,” followed by the names of the former military commanders.
A spokesman for the group emphasized its independence from the official campaign. The Romney campaign has not sanctioned this ad buy, a spokesman said, and the members of the group are paying the fee themselves.
The spokesman added that 389 of the individuals on the list are on the Romney Military Advisory Council, too. The Romney campaign has already announced these individuals’ endorsement.
“They have 389 on their list,” the spokesman said, while “we have almost 500.”
The list comes as a Military Times survey revealed that active duty, National Guard, and military reserve members support Romney over Obama by a two to one margin.

CNN Poll Finds Romney Beating Obama Among Independents By 22 Points … But They Are Tied At 49%…

Washington (CNN) – It's all tied up, according to a new national poll released two days before the presidential election.
And the CNN/ORC International survey not only indicates a dead heat in the race for the White House, but also on almost every major indicator of President Barack Obama and Republican nominee Mitt Romney that was tested in the poll.

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Forty-nine percent of likely voters questioned say they support the president, with an equal amount saying they back the former Massachusetts governor.
The poll is the fourth national non-partisan, live operator survey released Sunday to indicate the battle for the presidency either a dead heat or virtually tied. A Politico/George Washington University survey has it tied at 48%; an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll indicates Obama at 48% and Romney at 47%; and the latest ABC News/Washington Post tracking poll puts Obama at 49% and Romney at 48%.
A Pew Research Center survey also released Sunday indicates the president at 50% and the GOP challenger at 47%, which is within the survey's sampling error.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Tip of the Communist Iceberg in the Oval Office

As Tuesday is Election Day, it is extremely important that we get as many voters as humanly possible to the polls to vote for Romney—or against Obama.

We Americans are far more insular than we like to admit.  We have, all along, felt more that this election is for—and about—America and the people of America.  But that is only half of the story.
You see, without a free America, the western world is F I N I S H E D ! 

Many of us have wondered and some even questioned openly Obama’s allegiance.  We’ve asked:  “WHO IS this guy?  WHERE did he come from?  For WHOM is he REALLY working?  To WHOM—or to WHAT—does Obama owe his loyalty?”

All of the above are legitimate questions the answers to which have been covered up for over four years now.

We have posited—often—that Obama is a socialist/communist.  I believe that.  The evidence is there in his background and in his policies as President of the United States. 

I have been bedeviled by the fact that I could not get a clear picture of the greater plan, the ultimate end game, if you will.  Eventually, it occurred to me that the reason was, actually, rather simple.  You see, Obama is only a piece of the puzzle—only a part of the picture. Integral? Yes, no question about it.

America’s enemies are dead set upon bringing America down, forcing her to give up her leadership role on the world stage.  When you investigate Obama’s early life as a child, and then as a student, a college student, a state senator, a US senator and finally, President of the USA, it becomes clear that he has been groomed for this exact purpose.  And he has been eagerly exercising all the anti-American lessons taught him by his communist mentors throughout his life.

“Leading from Behind” is only the tip of the communist iceberg in the US Oval Office.

Via: Canada Free Press

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When your opening act is an accused rapist and molester of women, a man who lied to a grand jury and was convicted of perjury and obstruction of justice, a man who actually stood in the Rose Garden of the White House and lied as follows:

But I want to say one thing to the American people. I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Miss Lewinsky. I never told anybody to lie, not a single time -- never. These allegations are false. And I need to go back to work for the American people.
When that man is your opening act, and then you climb on stage as President of the United States and people walk out halfway through your speech three days before the vote for your reelection, that’s not good.
But that’s what happened yesterday to Barack Obama in Virginia. Famous liar, womanizer, and accused rapist Bill Clinton kept the audience in their seats, but as Obama was speaking, many people had had enough; they got up and left so they could beat the parking lot traffic.
As Charlie Spiering of the Washington Examiner tweeted:
Wow. Steady stream of cold people trotting towards the exit in the middle of Obama's speech.
And even Obama’s hot air wasn’t enough to hold them.

Main Street in Revolt

The homemade sign for Mitt Romney in the yard of a well-manicured but modest home in Leadville, Colo., forlornly signals the fracture of another onetime supporter of Barack Obama.
If Romney wins the presidency on Tuesday, the national media, the Washington establishment and the bulk of academia will have missed something huge that happened in “flyover” America under their watch.
It is a story that few have told.
It reminds one of the famous quip by New Yorker film critic Pauline Kael following Richard Nixon’s landslide 1972 victory: “I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for Nixon.”
Two years after suffering a historic shellacking in the 2010 midterm election, Democrats astonishingly have ignored Main Street Americans’ unhappiness.
That 2010 ejection from the U.S. House, and from state legislatures and governors’ offices across the country, didn’t happen inside the Washington Beltway world.
It didn’t reflect the Democrats’ or the media’s conventional wisdom or voter-turnout models. So it just wasn’t part of their reality.
In Democrats’ minds, it was never a question of “How did we lose Main Street?” Instead, it was the fault of the “tea party” or of crazy right-wing Republicans.
Yet in interview after interview — in Colorado, along Nebraska’s plains, in small Iowa towns or Wisconsin shops, outside closed Ohio steel plants and elsewhere — many Democrats have told me they are furious with the president. Not in a frothing-at-the-mouth or racist way, as many elites suggest. They just have legitimate concerns affecting their lives.
These Main Street Democrats in seven battleground states supported Obama in 2008. Now they are disappointed by his broken pledges: Where is the promised bipartisanship? How could health-care reform become such a mess? What direction is the country going in?

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