Monday, September 16, 2013

The Dark Solipsism of Barack: Why a “Leadership” Vacuum May Not Bother Him at All

Obama has now been officially categorized as a failed president of foreign policy. Perhaps it’s now only a matter of time before his transparent ineptness is blamed for America’s domestic debacle of the last 5 years. But what if there were a different interpretation of Barack, his values and decision making?

Consider an entirely contrary scenario—that Obama is using his power and influence to repeatedly create confusion, chaos and decline—all the while playing himself off as progressively—either a stunningly astute political magi, an idealistic genius of a professor, or now a bumbling nincompoop of a leader approximating Barney Fife in the Oval Office. Yet, all the while underneath a glowering and highly committed Marxist revolutionary. Solipsism is, by the way, the sense that only one person’s opinion exists, that only one way of seeing things matters. It is malignant monomania—the default worldview of the tyrant.

Having now heard the universe of opinion on Barack—anywhere from being a messiah to a devil, what do his actions suggest? In a word, a Marxist Revolutionary. That is at least one informed guess with corresponding evidence. Deferring to the famous standard of science icon Thomas Kuhn—the events of Obama’s public life and past are much more easily explained by a Marxist worldview (paradigm) than any other, including sheer incompetence (see Structure of Scientific Revolutions).

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